Problems at SHIELD (RW)

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Fury nods."Then we should start looking in those areas. Not now at least..How about I give you guys until next week to plan, & start looking for him. Until then we have two days to find out anything about him." He says moving to sit at the head of the table, Tony on the other.



"It's been two hours Nick, & that's more than enough time in here with you. There's not much even the reporters have gathered yet." I say pulling my legs onto the table, & looking through my tablet.

"We have time left calm down. Anyway I found out the last battle Spider-Man had before disappearing was between himself, Electro, & the Lizard..he sadly couldn't save a life.." Natasha says pulling up the projection on the wall of a women falling down the clock tower.

"That doesn't make sense. He has those web-shooter-things. Wouldn't he just use it to grab her?" Steve asked making one of the security videos play of the scene.

The Avengers plus Fury, & Coulson watch as the women falls down in the tower to the ground. Spider-Man right after her by only a couple feet. Time seems to slow down as his webbing is shown. It grabs her last minute as her head smacks against the ground. Camera cuts off there.

"Girls name was Gwendelyn Stacy died at age 15. Daughter of Officer Stacy who died during the Lizard attack. Ms. Stacy was one out of two students with higher grades in Midtown High. Other student being Peter Benjamin Parker now age 18....(Medium pause). These kids dated for only a couple of months before Ms. Stacy's death. Mr. Parker doesn't seem to be doing well." I say pulling up picture after picture.

"Wait a second..Pete had a girlfriend? Ah shit..Nat I feel bad now. After, so many times of asking if he had a special someone, & he'd only say he wasn't ready! Ugh man..." Clint says rubbing his face. Nat stares Clint down. "Clint. Calm down. We never knew we were dealing with the same Peter Parker, plus. He's mute he couldn't really tell us anything, & we were having to much fun then to think of anything bad." Nat says trying to comfort Clint.

It's silent for a minute, or two.

"You two both know Parker, & haven't told anyone about him?" Fury asks with some anger rising. Phil shakes his head." As much as I like you two to go out, & try to make friends I didn't suspect you both to not at least tell me about it." Phil says with a joking smile.

"Hey, we were out trying to get 12 dozen eggs, but we had ran into him at the time when we were on our way there! Ended up causing the kid to drop the 1 dozen egg carton, & the milk carton he was carrying, so we both took him to the store with us to get him a new egg, & milk cartons, but the store ran out after me, & Nat took then 12 dozen we needed, so we gave him a dozen." Clint explains. 


"Why the HELL do you both need 12-11 dozen egg cartons?" I ask. Theyre silent, both children staring at each other. Natasha goes back to looking through the cameras, & Clint joins her. Sneaky little shi-

"Wait! There! There's a camera up in the left corner between some crates there. Why would there be a camera?" Clint asked. I shrug." It could've been there for a while Clint. It looks out dated." Bruce says looking at the feed of the camera.

"Hey JARVIS. Can you enhance the picture closer to the camera? Maybe we can find a name on it?" I ask staring at my watch. "Yes, sir." JARVIS replies, as the picture gets bigger.

"It's a little blurry...uh..welp there's no point anymore..the names too scratched up, & the paint is getting old." Clint says squinting at the projection." They could be a reporter? Everybody seems to be stalking Spider-Man now a days." Phil says walking up to the projection to get a better look.

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