#11 ~Saved

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The unknown man told his people to hold onto you to make you still. They took out your phone and give it to him. He throw your phone with force to the ground and took you to a different place.

They then hit the back of your neck, making you unconscious.

By the time when the polices and Chanyeol got the trace of where you could be and arrive to that place, nothing was found. No trace, no people, no nothing.

Chanyeol become more frustrated and called out your name

Chanyeol: "Yu!... Yu!... Where are you?! Please answer me?" Silence full up the place. All they could find is the room that you was once in there, ropes that used to tie you up, and a type that used to cover your mouth.

Chanyeol become so angry. He pick those things up and said to himself

Chanyeol: "You bastard. I'll find you and beat the hell out of you!.... Yu. Hang in there. I'll find you."

> ~ Days later~ <

You open your eyes and found yourself in a dark room. With no strength in you, they let you stave to death. You were on the ground, hopeless. All of the suddenly, the door barge open. The lights come right to you. You were having a hard time to adjust the lighting and that's when you heard a familiar deep voice.

You try to use all the strength you have left to see who it was. The figure of that person somehow calm yourself down and your vision is not clear atm.

He ran up to you as fast as he could. He put your head on his lap.

???: "Yu! Yu! Yu, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Before your vision become clear, you're unconscious.

You wake up in a hospital room.

You look to your right and see Chanyeol laying his head on your hand while holding it. Sleeping.

You: "Chanyeol-ah..." tries to wake him up but he still didn't wake up "Chanyeol-si..." still fast asleep "CHANYEOL!!!" He wake up and startle.

Chanyeol: "Oh, you're awake?" Rubbing his eyes and yawn

You: "Why are you so sleepy? I've wake you up so many times."

Chanyeol: "Sorry. I didn't have enough sleep since you're gone"

You make a confuse look

You: "Did you perhaps didn't sleep because.... you... were looking for me?"

He nod.

Chanyeol: "I was deadly worry sick about you"

You stay silence for a good couple of seconds

You: "How did you know where I was?"

Chanyeol: "Oh that...."

> ~ Flashback ~ <

When we were oh the way to find you after couldn't see you where you were, while during driving in the car with the polices, we saw a few people just walking by. We stop by and ask them few or 2 questions.

Chanyeol immediately get off the car and went to the people

Chanyeol: "Excuse me. Have you see any car that look like this passed by here?" Show the picture of a car to them

One of them speak up

Person 1: "Yes. They drive passed here for about 20 to 30 minutes ago."

Chanyeol: "Do you know you know which direction they head to?"

Person 2: "They went that way. But they make a turn." Point to the direction

Chanyeol: "Thank you. Thank you so much!"

They didn't know where exactly you are right now but at least they know they are the right track to find you. Chanyeol quickly went in the car telling the officers what you got.

Chanyeol: "Since now we know that we at least are on the right track, we should use the cameras that was setted up above the traffic lights. And see where they went."

After the officers got the footage and see the car that you were in, they follow you there.

End of flashback

Chanyeol explains.

Chanyeol: "Why are there's no people when we got there?" He ask you

You: "I don't know. I was unconscious when they bought me there."

Chanyeol stand up and sit next to you. Holding your hand.

He put his hand on your lips using his thumb to gently touch the small wound that you had.

Chanyeol: "They did this right?"

You nod your head. Looking down

Chanyeol put his thumb and index finger on your chin and rise your head to make you face him again.

Chanyeol: "I'm sorry. I could have protect you earlier."

With the look of his eyes, you could tell he was worry and apologetic.

You remove his hand on your chin

You: "It's okay... this isn't your fault. And look. I'm perfectly fine. See?" You open your arms into a hug gesture, showing that you're fine.

He immediately hug you which make you startle.

You: "Ummm... You okay?" You hug him in a confusing way. Patting his back

Chanyeol: sigh "Nothing. I'm just glad nothing terrible happens to you" Said as he put his chin on you neck

Lisa barge into the room. Running towards you. Chanyeol break the hug and step back. Lisa went and hug you tightly.

Lisa: "You god damn gurl!! You know how worry I was?!" Yelling into your ears and tighten the hug more

You: "Okay. Okay. I'm fine. But get off me. I can't breath"

Lisa break the hug and sit next to you, facing you holding both of you hands.

You: "Thank you for the worry" smiles

Lisa hits your arm. You rub your arm

You: "ouch. What was that for?"

Lisa: "I don't know. But I'm just glad your alright"

You laugh and hug her again. You look at Chanyeol and give him a smile. He smile back which makes your heart flutter.

One day after being in the hospital, you are finally discharged.

You went back to the resort.

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