Chaper 12.

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*Photo: Anniston

Without a moment's pause, Soleil pounced, plunging her fist down at my face. I quickly stepped to the side and landed a side punch to her arm as I stepped back from her. Her face whipped around in surprise but quickly turned to anger at the contact. She turned and lunged at me, but I blocked her and scooted back again. This time, she grunted and charged, stepping to my left. I countered to the right and was stunned when she quickly shifted positions, her fist connecting with the side of my face. She smirked and followed it with a quick kick to my side.

Ivy stepped to my side, holding her hand up to make Soleil pause. She whispered lowly, advising me on how to move. "Look. When she draws you off sides, she opens up to strike. Instead of countering your weight, go straight for her. Don't pause. Then kick her legs and pin her. You'll get her no problem."

I nodded and as she stepped away, Soleil charged again. This time coming straight for me. I shifted out of her way and landed another quick punch to her side before she turned and kicked at my face. I planted my feet and batted her leg down before launching my own leg into her stomach.

She staggered back but immediately turned to charge once more. I could see she was frustrated that I was putting up more of a fight than she'd planned. She growled and charged, again stepping to the side and trying to draw me off center. This time I took Ivy's advice and immediately stepped up to plant a hard punch square in her face. She fell backwards and I followed immediately before pouncing on her and pushing her to he ground. I shoved my arm around her neck and pinned her wrists in my hand before locking my legs around her waist. After several harsh elbows and snarls she finally tapped to be released.

My grip loosened and she shoved me off of her before popping on to her feet. I hopped off the ground and caught a smirk from Ivy as she eyed a now livid Soleil pacing with her water. She did not seem like the type to let this go easily.

"Ok. I want to work on technique now so let's slow it down. Lili, I want you with me for this. I'll rotate each of you out with me as we move forward. Lili, you watch first and then rotate in. Ladies, as you finish pair off and keep working." Ivy instructed.

I stepped to the side and watched as a few of the females began working together or with Ivy. I made mental notes on the direction to point my feet, or how they were angling their bodies when they punched or kicked, or the shift in their weight as they anticipated an oncoming attack. I finally felt confident enough to rotate in and tried to pay close attention to each of Ivy's corrections. By the time we were finished, I actually felt like I had a decent grasp on how to handle my stance and how to attack and defend accordingly.

Two hours later, Ivy called for the end of the session. I was glad. Unlike these wolves who'd been training most of their adult lives, I'd never gone through anything close. I was exhausted and my body was sore.

I waved goodbye to Ivy who was deep in conversation with one of the stronger she-wolves in the group and decided to head out. I grabbed a water and began to walk toward the door.

"You did great today. It's Lili right?" The petite brunette who had been standing beside me earlier smiled at me as she fell into step with me.

"Right. Thanks. I'm new to this but I think I can get the hang of it." I shrugged and returned the smile.

Her warm amber eyes matched her smile and she nodded. "I'm Anniston. Don't worry, you will. You are already better than half the she-wolves on their first days. Even Soleil got knocked down on her first day. You should have seen how furious she was. She was livid at Ivy when she got her to tap out. It was amazing, but don't tell her I told you that." She said with a wink.

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