I really was a mess. He spoke of a Mr. Jackson with this weird look in his eye. It was unnerving how he seemed and felt like a teenager boy in love, absolutely intolerable.

"We need to get him a new school." I said to James as soon as Linus left to do homework. James chuckled.

"Why?" He asked chewing on the popcorn. "He loves it, isn't that a good day? Means he won't bother you much." I looked at the TV and shook my head.

"No, he likes it too much, what kind of prisoner is so happy."

"I'm afraid to tell you this, uncle Fraden, but, he is family now." I gave him a blank look which was honestly my 'are you kidding me' line of look. "Its only a matter of time, he isn't going anywhere, you wont be getting rid of him, may as well get comfy with him."

"Someone seriously messed with your brain." James let out a laugh and  tears steamed down his face as he found it hard to compose himself. "Unbelievable." I mumbled and ate my popcorn.

"You...you are really...funny," he sniffed and wiped his tears. "I love...how you look so serious saying everything like its normal." He sighed and shook his head. "This is really nice."

I looked to him and shook my head.

"So," I began, "I was wondering, how often to you see the rest of the family?"

"Big holidays mostly because they all just kind of spread out for multiple reasons."

"Do they know I'm here?" I asked.

"Yeah, I told them the day you got here. They want to meet you, some of them." I felt my lip twitched.

"Still a few skeptics around." He sighed.

"I don't think you could blame them, not everyone is as accepting as I or my father." I nodded knowing full well that even I would be part of the group who want nothing to do with me.

"It's alright," I ate the popcorn. "I would feel the same way."

"Well, whenever you feel like it, we should organize a get together." He stood and I nodded. "Give them a chance to get to know you and see that you aren't a threat."

In life, I understood one thing in my years of living, people would love you and people would hate you. Those who hated you shouldn't be much of a concern and allowing yourself to be hurt by their negative feelings would get you nowhere, however that did not mean you shouldn't at least know them, in my case, it was for my freedom. Those that hated me would easily give up my whereabouts to anyone willing to get rid of me and those who cared, like James would do stupid things like risk their lives for me. Either way, I needed to know everyone especially since they knew I was free.

Soon night fell and I was making my way to my room when I noticed Linus' door ajar and light streaming out from it. I went over and peaked in to see him asleep on his desk. Papers everywhere and a pencil in his hand. I couldn't imagine that being the best position to sleep in.

I found myself going in and helping him get into bed. I was taking off his pants when he let out a snore and mumbled an apology. I paused and saw a stray tear fall down his cheek. I quickly got his jeans off and covered him with his blankets.

"I'm... Sorry," he mumbled and his brows furrowed. I pressed my thumb against his forehead to stop his frowning. He relaxed. I wondered what it was that he was sorry about, his non stop chatter or just his annoying presence in my life? I know he wasn't apologizing to me, but it made sense to think he could be.

"Mom," he mumbled as another tear fell and then he gasped and sat up. He looked around frantically and sniffed and tried to calm himself.

"Are you alright?" I asked him and he jumped suddenly. He blinked and looked around again.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" He asked me instead and I wondered the same thing. I shrugged.

"What were you dreaming about?" He pulled the blankets up to his chest and shrugged making me roll my eyes.

"Anyway, you can go now."

"Look at you, so quick to get rid of me." I said and stood.

"Its what you wanted anyway," he yawned and I sighed. It was, a week ago anyway. I looked down.

"I didn't think you'd give up so fast." He didn't look at me, he played with his fingers.

"I was never one to push people to like me, Fraden, or even tolerate me and you didn't seem any closer to either so, " he shrugged and laid back down and turned the opposite direction. "Could you turn the light off on your way out? Thanks." Then he covered his entire face and I felt like the worst person to ever walk the earth.

4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now