"Why does (y/n) always have to leave the dishes for me to clean up when I come home? Is there something she ever does in this house aside from asking me about the Blade and begging me to stay home when I've already told her that I can't?" He hissed.

You heard every word and clenched the side of your phone. He's complaining? When you were the one suffering? That you were being tortured with thoughts about what he does and having to concern over this safety and that fear of him being in a gang rather than a good organisation because of his lack of trust in you. What on earth does this boy have to complain about when you fear for his life every single day when he leaves?

You got up from the bed and waited in the doorway for Keith to turn around. Your arms were folded and you glared at his turned back.

When Keith did turn around you were given the same treatment. Keith saw you once, turned the sink off and glared at you. "What are you going to complain about this time?" He growled.

"Complain? You think all I do in this house is complain?" You hissed.

"No, you leave the dishes for me to clean at night after me working all day, you ignore every single message I send you saying that 'I love you' and that I care about you and pamper Cosmo when I'm not here? What do you think I am, a butler for you to order around and ignore while you live your desired lifestyle? I have been working for you! I've been protecting you!"

"Protecting me? You've been lying to me! You could be in a gang for all I know! You told me when you asked me to move in with you that you were going to trust me and show me everything, but all you've been doing is making excuses that you're protecting me." You fingered your quotation and sneered at Keith. His face was fuming and his fists were balled roughly.

"You think I enjoy doing this? I have been working to save you every single day! Not only that, I have been paying for your debts with G-tech! You think you could hide the fact that you were in debt when you moved her? That the reason you came here was to hide your huge debt from your parents? My job with the Blade has been paying me to the point where we could move out of this lousy apartment and give us a proper house! I gave it all up because I found out that you were in debt and now you're here complaining about the lack of attention you get. You're such a spoilt brat."

You flinched back. When did he find out? You never told anyone that you were in debt. You knew that G-tech had made you suffer because of your immaturity before you moved here. And he had been doing all this in the shadows?


"You know what, I don't need this s*** anymore. You want the apartment? Keep it, I can have a better life without you in it."

You bit you lip as Keith took his jacket and left you. Cosmo glanced at you before disappearing. What on earth did you do?


"Uh Hunk, don't you think we should cut down on the finance here?" You eyed the electric and gas bills that were mailed in your post today and your eyes almost popped out of your head.

Hunk's recently cooking had taken a really big toll on your finance. Your family garage was doing great and Hunk had recently been promoted in the kitchen. Which led to Hunk practising more in the kitchen. In the beginning, you loved the rich and gourmet foods he cooked but it started to become excessive. Sometimes you just wanted a simple dinner with your boyfriend rather than a home date with a professional chef.

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