"Are we doing this right now?" He looked up from his phone in confusion.

"Doing what?"

"Pretending to be strangers?" He tilted his head and set his phone down.

"I thought we were." I blinked huffed.

"Well, we can't be if we live together now."

"Live together?" He said amused, his dark eyes set on me and I felt irritated.

"Yeah, look, stop trying to push me away or whatever! I know I may have hurt your feelings but this is no way to treat a person." I said in w burst of emotions.

Honestly, I couldn't tell you what was wrong with me. I didn't know much about Fraden and he brought me here against my will, bit either way, I was here and I had no where else to go, I had no reason to actually leave and I hated that he and I barely talked and I honestly wanted to get to know him despite his creepy snake nature and despite everything else. I guess..
In a short span, he had grown on me.

"This sounds oddly familiar." He said with a weird look in his eye, he shook his head. "Anyway, no."


"You want us to talk, to..be friends and I don't think that's a good idea." I blanched.

"You brought me all the way here!" I fumed suddenly. "You said I wouldn't be going anywhere and now you ignore me and stay in the library all day! How is that fair!?"

"You talk to James, don't you?" I was breathing heavily and glaring. "I think you can survive with him as a friend." He said this so calmly that it had me feeling strangely mad.

"You should have left me alone then." I sniffed. "You shouldn't have brought me all this way, I was never a threat to you and your freedom and you know that." I said it lowly and stared at the ground. "You don't have to like me, but you shouldn't ignore me either." I told him. "I have feelings and despite what you think, you've grown on me." I looked up to stare into his eyes. "You've given me a chance at an actual life, I may even get to make some friends here because of you and I'm thankful."

"You're welcome," he said and sighed. "However, we have nothing to talk about, useless caster."

I blinked at him as he walked away from me. That little snake! I bare my soul to him and he just..walks away!? I glares at his large retreating back.

"Yeah! Well, whatever! I don't want to talk to you anyway!" I huffed folding my arms and turning away from him and heading for the living room when the door bell rang. I gave a humanly growled and headed for the door.

"What!?" I yelled at the poor person. The girl's eyes widened and she looked behind her slowly then back at me.

"Uh...pizza?" She asked nervously. She was a beauty I tell you with dark hair and olive skin with dazzling blue eyes. I blinked and shook my head.

"Sorry, hi," I smiled a little. "Fraden! The pizza is here!" I yelled and told her to come in as I took the pizza and took it to the kitchen. Fraden came into the kitchen and scowled at me.

"I left this here for a reason!" He told me pointing to the bills of money on the counter. I flushed.

"Yeah, well, I don't make it my business to look for money! Now do I!?" He rolled his eyes.

"You are such a child." He went and paid the nice pizza delivery girl. I followed feeling peeved.

"Its not my fault you failed to mention the cash was on the kitchen counter!" I told Fraden as the girl made to leave.

"Would you keep your composure, your causing a scene."

"A scene!? Me!? Your the one who refuses to talk to me and this is my one chance." The girl turned and gave us a weird look before hurrying away.

"Drive safe!" Fraden said to the girl and closed the door, he looked at me and I scowled at him. Why did I want to talk to him, though? What was wrong with me exactly and why was I making this such a huge deal? "I think you need therapy." He told me and I glared at him before stomping my way to the kitchen out of hunger and anger.

Therapy? I scoffed, who does he think he is!? Ugh, I should just shoot him or something.

4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now