part ten

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jinyoung pulls up to jaebum's apartment complex and rushes up to jaebum's apartment, knocking on the door.

"youngjae? shouldn't you be at work?" jinyoung froze at the sound of jaebum's voice.

he sounded like shit.

the older opened the door and the two looked at each other for a few seconds.

jinyoung had never seen anything more adorable.

jaebum was in plaid pyjama bottoms and a white shirt, a thick blanket was wrapped around his shoulders. jinyoung couldn't help but smile.

"jaebum i—"

"no." jaebum slammed the door shut.

jinyoung's face fell.

"fuck, jaebum, i need to talk to you. please let me in."

"no. i don't want to speak to you or see you. how did you even get this address?"

jaebum was clearly on the other side of the door.

"not important, jaebum, fuck i'm so fucking sorry. i'm such a shitty person and i did a shitty thing because i thought it would make me feel good. but it didn't.  it made me feel guilty and bad and i hated it so much. i hated myself because how could i have done that to you jaebum? how could i have done that to the guy i like? i pulled something i shouldn't have and i can't apologize enough for that. because i'm sorry jaebum. i'm so sorry. i hope you can forgive me." jinyoung had his face basically pressed against the door, trying to push his words into jaebum's brain, make the older believe what he knew.

" mean it?" jaebum asked quietly.

"yes. of course. please let me in jaebum."

jaebum cracked the door open a bit, then a little bit more, making jinyoung smile widely.

jaebum opened the door a bit more and jinyoung pulled him into his arms, resting his head on his shoulder and rubbing his back.

"i'm so sorry i ever did that to you jaebum. i really like you."

he touched jaebum's chin and brought the man's head up to his own. he could see tear tracks running down jaebum's face and kissed them off his cheeks, making jaebum smile.

"can i kiss you?" he asked, making jinyoung smile even wider than before.

"yes, please do."

and the two stood there, sharing quick pecks for a while before jaebum invited him inside.

the two sat cuddling on the couch for a while, talking and eventually putting on a movie when it got later.

jaebum eventually fell asleep lying on jinyoung, and the last thought jinyoung remembers having before he fell asleep was:

god, i'm so glad i took this job.

the end!!

i hope you enjoyed this!! i loved working on it so much and kind of just barfed up the last few chapters in under a day, but whatever.

(they end up getting married, don't worry ;))))

once again, for wasila.

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