part six

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jinyoung instinctively stuck his hand into the elevator and regretted it slightly when he saw who it was running towards him.

he didn't really want to see youngjae right now for some reason.

"hey, thanks for holding the elevator," youngjae said, bent over, breathing hard with his hands on his knees.

when he pushed a different button jinyoung looked at him, surprised.

"you're not going to see jaebum?" he asked, and youngjae giggled a bit.

"no, we cut it off. i have my eyes on two idiots in tech. he's free for you now, even though he was always free for you," youngjae elbowed him lightly and cheekily, and jinyoung frowned.

"he likes you jinyoung, you should seriously go for it," youngjae waves at him as the elevator dings and he steps out.

"good luck!!"

the doors close on jinyoung and his still shocked expression.

jaebum likes him?

that's going to make his life way easier.

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