part three

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jinyoung arrived early at work the next day.

he had left before jackson and mark woke up, his music being interrupted on the bus for a good period of 5 minutes when jackson spam texted him 'this isn't a good idea' on repeat.

after the messages stopped jinyoung turned off his ringer so he didn't have to listen to jackson bitching about his decisions.

getting to work he walked to the elevators, grabbing one and getting in, the doors about to close when...


jinyoung stuck his hand between the closing elevator doors and a man ran in, panting.

"ah...thank you so much...uh..."

"jinyoung," jinyoung smiled. this guy looked somewhat familiar, but he couldn't pinpoint where he had seen him.

"thank you jinyoung! i'm youngjae! it's nice to meet you!" youngjae stuck out his hand and jinyoung shook it.

he glanced at the elevator buttons and hummed, "i see we're going to the same floor."

jinyoung nodded slightly.

"not really talkative are you?" jinyoung laughed at that.

"nah, not really," the elevator dinged and jinyoung let youngjae get out first.

they both walked the same way and jinyoung stopped at his desk, watching as youngjae walked to jaebum's office, barging in and smiling widely.


that's where jinyoung had seen youngjae.

he watched youngjae shut the door behind him and watched as his blurred figure moved away from the frosted glass.

jinyoung frowned slightly.

was there something going on between the two?

jinyoung decided to ignore it for the time being and check his email, where a new assignment from jaebum was waiting.

he sighed, this was going to be a long day.

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