Chapter 19

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"Hi, Richard and Guillermo" he smiles at them and if I didn't know him I would've believed that was a genuine smile but I do so I don't. The two soon notice me, Guillermo smiles but Richard smirks making me feel disgusted but Matt tenses once he notices Richard.

"Who might this be?" Richard asks I look up at Matthew and he looks down at me at the same time I don't know why he keeps hesitating which lets me know something happened between them.

"This is my girlfriend" Matt replies I step forward to introduce myself.

"Hi, my name is Emma" I extend my hand for them to shake. I shake Guillermo's hand first I can tell he's the good one as I'm about to shake Richards he grabs my hand instead lifting it to his mouth but before his lips touch my hand or be able to take my hand away like I was planning on doing Matt's one step ahead pushing him away, Richard just laughs as Matt glares.

"Well... we should get going, um nice to uh meet you" I grab Matt's arm and pull him away to separate ourselves from his so-called friends.

"What was that?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" he tries to dismiss the conversation.

"Oh come on don't play dumb you went all caveman back there, why?"

"Uh... I'll tell you over dinner since it's a long story" he opens the door for me to get in the cafe.

We sit in a booth across from each other and we order, I get an Italian sub with coffee and Matt orders the same.

"Okay now, can you tell me" I rest my elbows on the table with my head in my hands. 

"Those two guys were my best friends and looking back at our friendship I didn't know why I stayed friends with them. Guillermo is cool he's never done anything to tell me otherwise but Richard is another story. Ever since I can remember all the girls I like he ended up dating them, as we got older he moves on and literally started taking my girlfriends. Me being the dumbass let him and just ended up going to the next girl, but my ex her name is Marlene and I'm not going to lie I did love her..." I can't help but look down, I know that I wasn't the only girl but I would still like to imagine that I am the only one that makes him smile and laugh, care for him but sadly that's not true even as selfish as it sounds I don't deny it. 

He notices my discomfort and he comes close on the booth seat to hold my hand to make me look up at him. "She was nothing compared to what I feel about you and now that I think of it I didn't really know what love felt like until I met you so I couldn't have loved her but let's just say I really liked her so when I caught her cheating on me with Richard it didn't bring surprise just hurt so when I saw him trying to get a move on you it just made my blood boil, I know you would never do that to me but he just gets on my nerves and my need to protect you magnifies when he's around" I move closer to him since I can't stay away from him after all the things he told me. 

I reach up and kiss him slowly letting him feel my love for him, we break apart before the food gets here and it escalates to something that shouldn't be seen in public so we just eat our food and talk about Matt's childhood. After we're done once again I try to pay but like always he doesn't let me I think soon I'm going to give up or secretly pay the waitress before he does. We walk back to his house and as I walk through the door jet lag catches up with me.  

"I'm going to head upstairs, I'm kinda tired"

"I get what you mean, jet lag" Clarissa agrees along getting up from the couch. 

"Daniel honey lets go to bed and oh Emma do you mind tagging along for Christmas shopping I always wait till last minute" 

"Don't worry I do too, yeah I'll tag along"

"'Great, okay I'll see you guys tomorrow" Clarissa comes over to hug me goodnight then she goes and kisses him on his cheek before walking upstairs with Daniel. 

"Alright love let's go upstairs," Matt says. 

We walk upstairs and I go into the restroom to change not feeling quite comfortable yet changing in front of him. When I get out he's laying on the bed shirtless. keep it together Emma. 

As I close the bathroom door Matt picks me up gently throwing me to the bed, he turns me to face him as he still has his arms around keeping me close. 

"You have to know apart from what I've told you about my past you are the only girl that makes me feel the way I do, you are the only true love of my life" he looks at my eyes I know that he's being sincere and just my stupid jealousy getting the best of me.

"Yeah I know, just ignore my doubts its just stupid jealousy" 

"I will never ignore your doubts and should never keep them from me because I will reassure you every damn time that you are the one for me"  I kiss him before I rest my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you Matthew" I can hear his heart beat faster as mine does the same. 

"I love you Margaret" My stomach flutters at his mention of my middle name is weird listening to someone saying since nobody knows it apart from my family but he makes it sounds beautiful and love it. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with this guy. 

The Second I Met You ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon