Chapter 17

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This week has been absolute hell dealing with finals, I already finished the test for most of my classes except for 3rd and 6th periods which are Photography and Psychology. Sophia and I have been helping each other with studying since we have a couple of the same classes. I can't wait for the testing to be over and for the celebration dance, we have on Saturday to get it over with. Matt casually asked of I wanted to go which I was hesitant but Sophia made me and so now all four of us are going. The celebration dance would be considered the winter ball in many places but here since it's so close to testing we celebrate finishing the semester and going into winter break. This Christmas it's going to be weird not because I'm not celebrating with my parents but because I'm actually going to celebrate it, last year I was still recovering from the accident that I had to be on bed rest. Rachel, Mark, and Sophia would always alternate celebrating the holidays with my family and Rachel's family but now that my parents aren't here they're spending it with Rachel's family. So basically my holiday consists of me sitting on the couch or table alone so yuppy looking forward to that, it's not that I have anything against Rachel's family it's just I don't know anybody there. 

I have no idea why but I woke up an hour earlier than I'm supposed to and it's kinda refreshing not having Sophia yell at me every minute telling me to hurry. I took advantage of waking up early so before I start to get ready I go to my bay window with my blanket wrapped around me admiring what the view outside my window, well what I can see because of Matt's house in the way. Once I'm ready for school I go downstairs to drink coffee for once since I almost never have time. As I'm in the dining room and drinking my coffee Sophia walks downstairs but jumps at the sight of me. 

"Oh my god, you scared me!" she puts her hand over her heart. 

"Sorry, I wake up early and decided to drink coffee" I take a sip of my coffee.

"Only you," she says shaking her head as she walks towards the fridge. "Are you going to eat anything we still have 10 minutes," she asks 

"Probably a cereal" I get up after taking my last sip, we sit down at the breakfast table to eat cereal. 

"You ready to take our last Final of our last first semester in high school" I nod. 

Rachel and Mark both come downstairs and their faces when they see me are hilarious, I can tell they are not used to seeing me down here this early but they shake it off the shock and greet me and Sophia before we head to school. I get on the car and as I look over to Matt's house I can see that his car is already gone, even when I wake up early he still beats me to school. 

"Do you have everything for tomorrow?" Sophia asks as she drives out of the driveway. 

"Yes, you?" 

"Yeah, I can't believe you're actually going to dance"

"Hey! You made me" 

"True, but I still didn't think you would actually listen" 

"Yeah well Matt was a big part of me actually agreeing" I confess, I don't think I would be doing this if Matt wasn't here.

Sophia parks the car and we start to walk over to the tree in front of the school were Elizabeth, Jessica, Oscar, and Matt are. 

"Hey guys, you aren't supposed to be here until another 10 minutes," Jessica says checking the time in her wristwatch. 

"Sleeping beauty here woke up early," Sophia says as she goes to Oscar's side and the four of them engage in a conversation when Matt pulls me aside.

"Was it your nightmares?" He worries.

"Nope, I haven't had them since the day of my parents anniversary" That day when Matt slept over I already knew I wasn't going to get them but the day after when he was gone I didn't get them either nor the next and I believe it's because of Matt helped me get over blaming myself. Matt relaxes as I answer him. 

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