Chapter 2

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I've been sitting on my bed for a couple of minutes trying to rest, like every night I didn't get a good night sleep because of my nightmares. But I need to get ready so that I'm not late for the date with Matt. Is it a date? Does he consider it one? 

I put on my outfit for today and once again cover my eyebags. I go downstairs to eat breakfast when I get a text message.

Matt: Don't eat anything I was thinking of taking you out for breakfast too, I'm outside

I swear this boy has X-ray vision, nobody was downstairs so I left a note in the kitchen so they don't worry about where I am.

When I get out the door he is sitting on the front porch in the swinging bench.

"Hey Em, good morning you ready," he said standing up 

"Good morning and yeah let's go" 

We walk over to his driveway into his car and he opens the door for me, I thank him as I get in. We are driving to my favorite diner since it serves the best breakfast and coffee and Matt has never been to any diners around here or anyplace for that matter.

 We sat at the tables and the waitress gave me a dirty look like always, I ordered french toast with coffee and Matt orders pancakes, scrambled eggs and coffee. 

"Where did you live before coming to Manson?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Portland, Oregon" he replies while taking a sip from his. 

"Wow, I've never been there"

"It's beautiful, well in my opinion it is"

"So, I should totally visit if I get the chance?" 

"Yeah definitely," he said looking straight into my eyes, we look at each other for a couple more seconds before I looking down smiling.

"If I'm not steeping over any boundaries, why did you move here?" I ask as soon as the waitress leaves after bringing our food. 

"Not at all, my dad lost his job and I guess they just picked here to move it's pretty straightforward" he explained. 

"Oh well sorry about your dad's job and how do you feel about the move?"

"Honestly people would think I would have been devasted but I was glad to get out of there, I had a lot of drama and coming here meant I get a fresh start" 

"That makes sense and I get it, what was the drama?" I ask and he smiles. 

"That's a story for another day, besides we should get going the employees are giving us weird looks" he looks at the group of waitresses formed. 

"No, she's staring at me," I sigh, finishing the last of my meal. 

"Why would they be staring at you?" he asks.

"Umm... its uh... do you want to go to a lake," I ask hoping he ignores what he just asked, he nods.

I give him directions to where it is and before we start walking towards the lake I take out my camera.

"Cool camera," he says as we start to walk through the forest.

"Thank you"

"How long have you had it?" 

"It was my dad's, he gave it to me when I was 15 years old" I replied looking down at the floor remembering how my dad gave me this camera. 


"Dad, when can I have your camera?"  I ask looking at the camera in his hands. 

"When your 15 pumpkin"

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