Chapter 18

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"Oh come on it can't be that bad" I'm laying down in bed hearing Matt laugh over the phone. 

"Oh yeah sure it isn't, if you consider sitting in a couch by yourself trying to seem occupied with your phone while everyone has a great time and people only talk to you because they feel like they have to, then yes it's not bad at all" I whine, note the sarcasm. 

"Okay well when you put it that way, it does seem like a boring trip" I can tell how much he's enjoying my whining. 

"Who am I kidding you're just going to keep laughing at me" I act mad. 

"Oh love don't be like that, as a matter of fact, I have an idea that may save your holiday troubles" 

"Alright... I'm intrigued, shoot" 

"Well you know my parents and I are going to Portland in 2 days" 

"Yeah?" Not knowing where this is going I listen closely 

"What if you come with us?" He sounds a bit nervous it's cute but then I register what he asked


"You heard me, would you like to accompany me on a trip to visit the place where I grew up" I can tell he's smirking knowing that I won't say no to his offer. 

"Are you sure?, I mean your parents have planned this trip for you guys only, and if I go I'm going to complicate things..."


"I mean I don't think we can find a plane a ticket for Portland in this short notice oh and where would I stay it's not easy to find a hotel, they're usually booked closed to the holidays..." 


"Yes, I know your parents like me but I'm going to ruin their trip they want to spend time with you not us and I have a pretty good idea that if we go you'll spend more time with me and I don't want to come between you and your family and..." My ranting is cut short by my bedroom door swings open with Matt appearing walking over to me and kissing me before I can process that he's here when he was clearly in his own bedroom. 

"Just shut up and say yes" he chuckles as we break our kiss. 

"Yes, I would love to spend my holiday with you" He smiles and kisses me again. 

"Great! I love you" I don't even have a chance to say it back because he starts to walk out the door saying "I know" before I hear the door downstairs closing telling me he's going home I just sit there in my bed trying to make sense of what just happened, I can't so I just laugh and shake my head at his weirdness. 

I walk downstairs to talk to my aunt and uncle to let them know that I'm going to Portland, when I moved in with them they told me that they know that their not my parents and that they still love me as if I was one of their own but I didn't have to ask permission for things I wanted to do since I was old enough to take care of myself all they wanted was for me to let them know ahead of time whatever I was planning on doing, which is what I'm going to go do. 

"Hey guys I have something to tell you" I interrupt them from watching their movie as they sit on the couch. 

"Sure, good or bad?" she raises an eyebrow with a smile.

"Good" I chuckle.

"Okay what's up?" Mark asks. 

"Well Matt just invited me to celebrate Christmas with him and his family, is that okay?" They both look at each other before answering.

"Sure honey, we both know how much you hated being there last year"

"I'm sorry..." 

"No you don't need to be sorry we know you don't like my family and it's understandable" 

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