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10 Years Later

I never thought my life would've turned out the way it did. 

Matt and I have been married for 6 years, we got married when we were 22. Matt insisted on getting married for a long time but I told him that once we were out of college and settled with our lives we would get married but that didn't stop him from proposing early.

Throughout college, we had our ups and downs with the struggle of figuring out who we were as individuals while still being in a serious relationship but we managed. I'm happy to say that Sophia and Oscar are also married they got married a year before us so when we were engaged they were getting married. We all lived together for almost all of college until our senior year when they moved out to live in a place of their own. 

We kept the promise we made with our group of friends we made 10 years ago to see each other whenever we can which isn't very often, its typically the girls hang out with Sophia and me while the boys with Matt and Oscar. Elizabeth and Carlos are currently engaged while sadly Jessica and Jeremy ended their relationship a year after starting college but they are both happily in a relationship.  

"Mom!" Also, I got pregnant 2 years after being married with a baby boy named Alexander Evans who is now 4 years old and currently running around the house.

"Yes, my love?" I smile at him, Alexander got Matt's dark brown hair while he got my blue eyes so he has both of our traits but people have told me he looks more like me which of course I don't complain about but Matt surely does and I love to tease him about it.

"I'm hungry" He stops in front of me hugging my legs I place my hand over his head.

"I know honey, do you want to eat now or wait for your dad?" He makes this face when he is thinking and it's absolutely adorable.

"I'll wait, but when is he coming?" Matt now works at a law firm and not to brag about him but he is a pretty great one as his reputations says so. I also became a lawyer but gave up work when Alexander was born, my mother was a stay at home mom throughout my childhood which I loved and I want my kids to have that same experiences. We hear Matt's car pull up in the driveway, as he asked 10 years ago he does what my dad used to do to me.

"He's here! Mom help me I have to hide!" I chuckle and his nervousness.

"Okay Okay, you go hide and I'll distract him" Alexander runs away to find a spot to hide in as the front door opens.

"Alexander! Come out, Come out, Wherever you are" Matt calls out as soon as he walks through the door, he puts his work stuff down and comes to me and gives me a kiss. he was about to go look for him but I stopped him.

"I'm sorry Matt but Alexander asked for me to distract you as he hides" he chuckles.

"Very well, how are my girls" We look down at my very big belly that is holding our daughter who is due any day now.

"Good, although Mariana has been kicking all day" Matt squats down and grabs my belly with his hands.

"I know your excited to come out into this world and see us but baby try not to hurt your mama too much" I chuckle at him.

"Go and look for alexander I've distracted you enough" he comes up and kisses me.

"I love you" 

"I love you" I reply as he goes to Alexanders one hiding place and I watch as he runs away with Matt chasing after him. I think of Mariana and how different the household will be but for the better and how lucky I've been to be blessed with this life and happiness that it brings and all of this became possible when I tripped over some boxes on his lawn. 

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