Chapter 1

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"Emma wake up we're going to be late for the last day of school" My cousin Sophia screamed from the other side of my bedroom door.

"Coming" I yell out.

Waking up to the same old boring day that I've been living since I moved in with Rachel, Mark, and Sophia. Always the same routine but hopefully that will change after today due to being the last day of school. 

I head downstairs, I wore black ripped jeans, a grey shirt, and a jean jacket with my Adidas shoes. I didn't do anything to my naturally wavy hair and I put on makeup to cover my eye bags. 

 "Finally!" Sophia exhales as I reach the bottom of the stairs. 

"I'm sorry I just really don't want to go the last day of school is a complete waste of time" 

"Well suck it up cause you're going" This time it was my aunt Rachel that replied. Sophia and Rachel's personalities are awfully similar their both nice, open, and outgoing and I love them both equally.

"I know" I reply to my aunt in a bitter tone but not necessarily directed at her. 

"Emma, are you going to eat anything?" Sophia asks, I shake my head before saying goodbye to Rachel to go to school. 

I quickly get out of the car once she parks it avoiding her attempt at making me go with her group since I always refuse. I go straight to my classroom waiting for school to start so that the day can move along making the start of summer come closer. 


After school Sophia said she was going to hang out with her friends and asked if I wanted her to drop me off at the house but I told her I would get a cab to the lake, then she offered to take me there but I didn't really want to show her where it was located so I declined her offer once again and got into a cab. I go to the lake once in a while to help me relax and forget about everything, the sound of pure nature is a calming when I start to stress. It was getting dark after being there for a few hours so I decided to head home. 

Outside of the house, there is a U-haul truck in front of the house next to the one I live in. Walking through the door I can immediately smell dinner making my mouth water, I walk towards the kitchen to see what Rachel is making. 

"Hey Rachel" I greet her. 

"Hey how was the lake?" she asks turning around for a second only to go back to the food.

"Beautiful like always" 

"Emma, could you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, sure" 

"Can you take out the trash?" I nod when she turns to see my response, I walk over to the trash bin to get the bag. 

I go to the trash bins outside the house between my house and my neighbors. I start to walk back but me being the curious person I am I start to walk closer to the U-Haul truck and house to figure out who moved in, I didn't get to find out because a loud bark startled me making me trip over a box that was on the ground. I like dogs but this one startled me and its barking really loud looking at me like it wants to kill me. I try to get up but the dog is already coming towards me biting my forearm and I couldn't help but scream a little.

"Ralph NO!... let go" says a male stranger, the dog whose name I'm guessing is Ralph lets go of my arm. I've never been bitten by a dog and it surprisingly hurts a lot so I didn't want to move it although it didn't look deep. A hand on my shoulders distracted me from my arm making me turn to this brown hair and light brown-eyed stranger kneeling down to be eye level with me.

"Are you okay?" he looks around for any sign of me being hurt.

"Umm ye..." he interrupted me when he saw my arm.

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