Chapter 34

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(A/N: sorry for the delay! I've been alot more busy since school has started but I'm back and will post as frequently as possible!)

The voices in Peter's head were loud. Too loud. 2 days since the talk with Tony and everything was slowly falling apart again.


Peter sat up in bed and recognized the voice instantly. It was Steve calling him from the kitchen.


There was a knock at the door followed by Steve walking in. "Breakfast's almost ready. Come to the kitchen in 10 minutes?" Steve said. He looked tired, holding a mug of what looked like coffee- as if it would do anything after what was injected into him over 75 years ago.

"Sure." Peter responded, checking the time.

The door clicked shut and Peter went back to looking through his phone.

After getting tired of hearing his grumbling stomach, he decided to head down to the kitchen. Peter walked out his door, approaching the kitchen when he stopped after hearing voices.

It was Steve, Bruce and Natasha sitting at the table. They all looked as if they got zero sleep, dark bags below each of their eyes. Peter tilted his head to see them in a better angle.

"As long as he doesn't find out before he comes back, it's fine." Steve had said.

"If." Nat corrected, taking a sip of her coffee. "If he comes back."

Bruce rolled his eyes and Nat took notice. "What?" She asked, knitting her eyebrows.

"If? Seriously Natasha? He's coming back. He's been on hundreds of missions before." Bruce replied, obviously annoyed.

"He's going on a very dangerous mission with no backup. And he'a not answering any communication for some unknown reason. Hell, Friday doesn't even know his location!" Nat stated.

Steve shook his head, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. "Tell Peter that Tony's in Germany on a bussiness trip or something like that."

Nat and Bruce both scrunched their eyebrows. "Why not tell him the real reason?" Bruce asked.

Steve shrugged. "He'll freak out and have an attack. Tony's the only one who can calm Peter down and since he's not here, we can't let it happen."

Peter listened carefully, not sure of what he was hearing. He was trying to put the pieces together but he was tired, hungry and basically in denial of everything that involved Tony in danger.

"He's delt with death before. He can handle it." Nat said, shrugging.

Peter's eyes widened. Death?

"First off, Tony's not dead. He's just...missing. Second, Peter's has been through too much death and I don't want to be putting more stress on the boy. If Tony doesn't let us know what's going on over there soon, then we'll tell Peter the truth. But for now, we just have to wait." Steve told them, taking a sip of his coffee.

Nat rolled her eyes, her face slowly showing more anger. "Tony could be dead right now and you want to tell his own son that he's on a business trip? Are you stupid?!" Nat exclaimed, standing up.

Steve stood from his chair calmly on the other side of the table aswell. But before he could even reply, Bruce pointed to utterly shocked Peter at the entrance of the kitchen. They all froze, Nat cursing under her breath.

Before they knew it, Peter was jogging to the bathroom, tears trickling down his cheeks.

He slammed the bathroom door behind him, locking it before slamming his hands down on the counter.

He couldn't breathe at all.

He gripped the rim of the bathroom sink harder.

His vision faded into a blur again. He wasn't sure if it was from the tears or the migraine. He gasped for air, his knuckles turning white.

His head pounded at every breath, limbs shaking as he tried to hold on for dear life.

He abruptly let go, slamming himself against the wall behind him and sliding his back down it.

All he could do was cry. Hitting his head and then the floor with his own hands in pure anger.

He screamed in agony, self hatred.

He was drowning...


...But it was just a bathroom sink.
Just a colourless wall.
Just a panic attack.
Just a father in danger.
Just a kid.

Just Peter...

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