Chapter 11

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"What?!" Everybody exclaimed, almost in unison.

"No, no, not what I meant. Jesus, no. Bucky is alive." Steve said, breathing in and out. He was obviously frustrated about something.

"Then what the hell are you talking about?" Tony asked harshly, getting impatient.

"He killed people." Steve stated.

"Um okay, as so have the rest of us." Tony rolled his eyes. "Accidents happen." That was obviously directed to Peter.

"I know, I know. But the police are after him. So I need you, Tony, to talk to the police and convince them that Bucky is not a murderer and can't be taken away."

Tony knitted his eyebrows.
"Why do they think that exactly?" Tony asked

"He accindently killed some people on our mission...thinking it was the bad guys. Just please do this for me, Tony." Steve pleaded.

"Okay, fine. Where's Bucky and when are the police coming?"

"Bucky snuck up to his room. The police should be here any second now." Steve stated. "They're gonna come and try to put Bucky in prison."

"You owe me." Tony winked. Steve let out a small chuckle.

"Just get it done please."

• • •

Peter was lying in bed when Friday had alerted the building that the police were coming in. "Friday, show me the security cameras in the entrance please."

Peter watched and listened as 2 police men came in. Tony had been waiting by the door when the police had arrived.

"Excuse me, Mr. Stark. We were notified that Bucky Barnes is living here?"

Tony nodded. "Correct."

"He is under arrest for murder." The police were suprised at how calm and unconcerned Tony had appeared to be.

"Tell me officer, what happened exactly for it to be considered as murder?" Tony asked.

The officer looked suprised and confused at the question. "He killed people." Tony didn't change the look on his face. "Now if you could move out of the way..."

"He's not a murderer." Tony said after the police man pushed him aside.

He paused. "What?"

"We save hundreds and hundreds of people in a single day. We saved the world from damn aliens just 3 years ago! I saved the whole city of New York from exploding by putting myself in space for crying out loud! But now, that an incident has occured while Bucky Barnes tried to save people- which is your job by the way- you're gonna lock him up? So that when we need him in combat, he won't be there and hundreds of more people can die?" Tony crossed his arms. The police man didn't move; he was obviously thinking.

A minute had passed before the police man spoke up.

"If this happens again, by law, I have to lock him up. My whole family, including myself, was in NYC at the time and I'm very grateful that you guys risked your lives but it is the law. As a police man, I have to follow the law. I will be watching." The man turned around and signalled his team to back off.

Tony waited till all the police cars were gone until he loudly cheered. Everybody including Peter, Steve and Bucky came out of their rooms.

"And?" Steve started.

"He's not going to prison. Just be more careful next time." Tony told them.

Everybody cheered as both Steve and Bucky sighed in relief.

"Thank you." Bucky said quietly. He was suprised Tony even did this for him after... Tony's parents. But Tony had forgiven and knew that he was not himself at that time.

"Thanks, Tony. Thanks so much." Steve smiled.

"Yep." Tony smiled small. "No problem."

(A/N: lmao so there were some plot twist and scares in there but everything worked out! If there is any specific things you guys wanna see in these chapters, comment and I might be able to write it in! Don't forget to vote and follow, byee)

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