Chapter 13

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(A/N: sorry it took so long to update, I had barely any time to write since I was in B.C. but I'm home now so updates will be faster!)

Peter looked down at his arms. They were littered in cuts and bruises along with the rest of his body.

"Uh, I don't know." Peter mumbled. He had forgotten about those.

"Peter, those better not be from yoursel-" Tony started but Peter cut him off.

"No!" He exclaimed, confused why Tony would even think that. "I swear, they were just from patrolling. I stop bank robberies like 9 times per day." Peter joked. He wasn't lying, though.

"Okay." Tony mumbled, walking out of Peter's doorway and into the kitchen.

• • •

It had been a 3 weeks since May died. Tony didn't know when Peter wanted the funeral so he decided to wait until Peter requested it but that was obviously not going to be anytime soon.

"Hey kid?" Tony knocked on Peter's door before opening it without a reply.

"Hey." Peter greeted, looking up from his homework. "You can come in."

Tony walked in and sat on Peter's bed. Peter joined him. "What's up?"

Tony sighed. He didn't want the kid to have another breakdown but May needed a funeral. The Manhatten police had called Tony 3 weeks ago, asking what he wanted to do with the body. Tony didn't know what Peter wanted but he didn't want to mention May so he decided himself to have his pilot fly her corpse (in a casket) to Queens so they could bury it.

"I was wondering when you wanted May's funeral...? It's been almost a month..." Tony said, as gentle as he could.

Peter broke eye contact with Tony for a moment before responding.

"Can we have it soon?" Peter asked, quietly. Tony was shocked by Peter's response but tried not to show it too much.

"Yeah, of course. I can have Happy book it as soon as possible." Tony replied. Peter smiled sadly.

"I miss her." He whispered.

"I know you do." Tony whispered back, patting Peter's shoulder.

• • •

A week had passed until it was the day Tony and Peter were both dreading. The funeral.

Tony woke up at 8 in the morning to get ready. They had to be at the funeral home by 10AM (which was the best funeral home in Queens thanks to Tony) so they could help set up. Tony would've had people set up for them but he wanted to let Peter pitch in. After all, it was his aunt.

"Friday, wake Peter up." Tony said.

"On it, sir."

A minute later, Peter was walking into the kitchen. He didn't have dark circles under his eyes for once which was suprising. He had actually slept well the night before; no nightmares (that had been becoming more consistent lately). He didn't even have any trouble sleeping! It was great...just to wake up to the day he had been dreading since May had first died. He knew he had to say his final goodbye to her. He didn't want to at all but needed to get it over with.

Peter smiled at Tony who was making waffles for breakfast.

"Hey!" Tony greeted. "You ready for today?"

Peter shrugged. "I think so."

Tony nodded. There was a few seconds of silence until Tony began to speak again.

"I was wondering if you wanted the rest of the team there." Tony started, putting down the bowl of pancake batter down and turning to Peter. "I know the funeral will be emotional and I know you get embarrased when you cry infront of them but they want to comfort you."

Peter took a moment to think before replying. "It would be good to have them there but I don't know if they should, you know? People would wonder why the Avengers are at a funeral for someone they didn't even know. Then they'd guess that I wanted them to be there and that I know them somehow. And the word got out that Spiderman was living with the Avengers so it'd be a matter of time-"

"Whoa, slow down kid." Tony chuckled. "I only invited very close friends of hers. Pepper and Happy are there already; I invited Ned, too. Nobody is gonna be there that you don't know." Tony reassured. Peter nodded.

"Then yes, they can come if they want." Peter mumbled.

"Friday, tell the team." Tony said.

"Yes, sir."

"There's a tux in your closet. Go get changed and gel those incredibly
lion-like curls of yours." Tony joked, earning a laugh from Peter. "I'll help with the tie and stuff."

Peter nodded and headed to his room just as Nat and Steve came out of theirs. Nat was wearing an elbow length, black dress that just came below her knees. Her matching black heals made loud footsteps as she walked down the hallway, to the kitchen. Steve was walking on her left, wearing a classic black and white tux.

"Where's everybody else?" Tony asked, looking down at his watch. It was 8:21.

"Wanda, Rhodey, Bucky and Bruce are the only other people that aren't on missions. They're still getting ready." Steve replied. "How's Peter doing?"

"He's okay right now." Tony said, concentrating on making the waffles.

It was gonna be a long day.

(A/N: this is literally just fluff)

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