Chapter 30

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Before Peter could even look up to see the T.V, Tony wrapped his arm quickly around Peter and strongly started to lead him into the living room. Tony began rambling, obviously trying to distract Peter from whatever was on the screen.

"So do you want to go out for lunch? I was thinking chipotle but I also really want-"

"Tony, what's on the T.V?" Peter said, trying to turn around but Tony's grip was too strong.


"It's definitely something-"

"Not something that you have to worry about." Tony loosened his grip around Peter's shoulder a little and Peter took that opportunity to slip out of Tony's arm and jog back to the kitchen.

Then froze in his tracks.

The news was on, a woman, blonde hair reporting.

But the scariest part was what the headline said:

"Criminal and abductor, Jonah McBaker escaped from prison."

Photos appeared on the T.V next to the woman. It seemed to be a building with a blown up entrance...?

"An outside accomplice of Jonah used a bomb to blow up the entrance before using what seemed to be a gas bomb to knock out and possibly kill all the guards. The bomber is caught and in debatable execution; Jonah yets to be caught." The reporter stated.

The rest of what Peter heard was a blur. It would've been hard to explain how he was feeling. A mix of utterly terrified, panic and anger. He heard Tony say something like "Cap, handle this please," and Nat saying "don't bother Clint." and he might've even heard her say Peter's name a couple times but he wasn't completely sure.

Tony was muttering all the profanity he knew into a single (but long) sentence. Peter mumbled a curse under his breath and before he knew it, Peter was walking to his room. He wasn't crying- he wasn't sure if he could.

He locked the door of his room and shot a web at Friday's camera. He sat on his bed and tried to process what he was hearing. His eyes were burning like they were pleading to release tears but his face remained dry.

His thoughts were interrupted by someone calling his name. His hearing was still a little messed up from the shock (and his dialed up senses were not helping) but it was obvious it was Tony.

Peter cleared his throat before replying in the most normal sounding voice he could. "What's up?" His voice almost broke at the end but he didn't think Tony heard it.

"Uh, open the door please?" Tony said.

Peter heard some murmurs from the kitchen, specifically Nat talking to Steve about 'game plan'. Peter quickly realized that Steve, Nat and Bruce were probably the ones going to handle the Jonah situation and maybe some of the others were coming too.

"Kid, are you alright?" Tony asked after the silence.

"Yeah completely fine! I'm just..." Peter's voice cracked loud and clear for Tony to hear. It led with tears that were finally making their way down Peter's cheeks.

"Having a nervous breakdown in there? Yeah, I could tell. Friday, open the..."

Before Tony could finish, Peter shot multiple webs to the door making it impossible to turn the knob.


"Unable to do so."


"Something is keeping the door from opening. It seems to be a sticky substance- Peter's spider web fluid."

Tony cursed under his breath. "Pete please."

Peter bit the inside of his cheek to keep the crying silent though it was getting harder and harder. As much as he trusted the man, he didn't want company.

"Peter, I can tell you're crying. Please open the door?" Tony said as gently as possible.

Peter could tell that he bit too hard by the copper taste in his mouth that was most definitely blood. He breathed a shaky breath a little too loud before clasping his hand to his mouth. Tony sighed at that.

"I'm good Mr. Stark, just let me- I- I mean Tony- I w-want to be alone at the moment plea-ease." He heard nothing for a couple seconds except Tony whispering to himself "Mr fucking Stark? What the hell."

"Tony I just-"

Tony sighed. "Want to be alone. Got it." Peter heard footsteps fade before he finally let himself feel. After a dreaded breakdown, Peter decided it was time to try to take a nap. The daylight shining into his room didn't make it easy considering it was 11x brighter than it was to a normal person's eyesight. Eventually, his thoughts faded into- with his great luck- a nightmare.

(A/N: angst is back hehehe sorry lol)

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