Chapter 1

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(This story takes place after Homecoming but before Infinity War. Civil War happened but they all moved passed it)

It started as a pretty normal Saturday for Peter. Aunt May was out of town to see her friend, so Tony let Peter stay at the Avengers Facility until Aunt May got back. All the Avengers were living there now and Peter shared his secret indentity as Spiderman to them, which was obviously a must since he'd be living with them for at least a few more weeks- until May got back.

Aunt May (who was now aware of Peter being spidey) reluctantantly agreed to let Peter stay with Tony at the Avengers Facility. It was built a lot closer than they planned, so after school ended, Peter would get into his spidey suit and swing from skyscraper to skyscraper until he eventually reached the building. It was Tony's idea to build the tower closer to Queens and although nobody questioned why, everyone knew it was for Peter's sake.

• • •

Just about all the Avengers had just all woken up except for Peter. He was still in bed and the rest of the group had agreed to let him wake up whenever. On the other hand, Steve and Stephen were cooking breakfast while Natasha, Bucky and Clint were in the gym getting a quick workout in. Tony was in his lab with Bruce, mainly because Tony's anxiety was coming back and he needed to keep his mind off of his triggers so he wouldn't have an attack.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Avengers were sitting at the large table talking and laughing. The Avengers are more of a family than an army.

Eventually, everybody except Peter sat down at the table and began eating breakfast.

"I was thinking we should get some training done today, guys." Tony said inbetween bites and they all agreed. "Does anybody need any upgrades?"

"How about a bigger room?" Natasha murmured.
Everybody broke into laughter including Tony. Before Tony could reply, Friday interupted them.

"Incoming call from The Manhatten police station for Mr. Stark. Shall I accept?"
Everybody exchanged glances.
"Accept." Tony said.

"Mr. Stark?" said a male voice on the other line.

"Speaking, what's the problem?"

"Uh..." The cop seemed nervous.
"You are temporarily living with Peter Benjamin Parker, correct?"

"Correct." Tony replied, confused.
He turned to everybody with his eyebrows knitted.
"Peter's aunt is in Manhatten." He whispered.
"You don't think..." Wanda started.

"His aunt, May Parker..." The cop stopped for a moment.

"Continue!" Tony exclaimed, a little louder than he meant to.

"She was just murdered."

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