Chapter 29

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Peter had fallen asleep, his head laying on Tony's lap and his feet on Steve's lap. Everybody was piled up on the couch, some on the floor, sleeping peacefully. Until...

An alarm on full volume went off and everybody abruptly woke up.

"What the hell-" Steve muttered sitting up.

"Language." Tony mumbled under his breath over instinct and Steve rolled his eyes for a solid 2 seconds.

"Friday, turn that shit off." Clint muttered, shutting his eyes again as the alarm shut off.

Peter rubbed his eyes. It was already 11am on a Saturday so he didn't have to worry about school. Tony tapped Peter's head gently, gesturing him to sit up which he did.

"So me and Peter are going patrolling today, anyone wanna come with?" He said casually as he stood up, shaking his limbs like in the hokey pokey.

"We are?"

"Yeah why not? So anyone?" Tony looked around as nobody flinched.

"You guys are so rude. Parker, come on." Tony joked, walking out of the family room as Peter followed.

"Technically, I'm a Stark." Peter said, his eyes beaming for some unknown reason but it internally overjoyed Tony as much as he hate to admit it.

"I guess you're right. Come on Stark junior." Tony said with a wink and Peter looked like he might explode with happiness.

"So why do you want to go patrolling?" Peter asked as he came out of his room wearing all of his spidey suit except the mask.

Tony was in his Ironman suit without the helmet. "It's about time you go out again. Besides, crime rate is really low lately so it's kinda just a chill day where we can test all the new tech." Tony explained.

"Oh mkay!" Peter replied, pulling the mask over his face as the father and son walked over to the porch. They both jumped out, Peter shooting a web that stuck to a nearby building.

They were outside for around 2 hours, testing all the new tech and just flying and swinging around, having fun. Peter couldn't have asked for a better morning.

"So Tony..."

"Yeah Pete?"

"Why did you adopt me?" Peter asked as he swung to a near by building and landed on the roof. Tony joined him as they both removed their masks.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked, quite confused.

"Like I know it was a long time ago but I was thinking about it and I remember just you adopting me out of the blue? Like you didn't even hesitate you just let me live with you. Why?" Peter asked him.

Tony looked very confused on why Peter was asking. The look on his face made it seem like the answer was obvious. "Well why do you think?"

Peter shook his head. "I actually don't know."

Tony broke eye contact, trying to find the best way to reply. "Well I mean...uh...if...Ned! If Ned had lost everybody and you could easily adopt him and make his life better, would you?"

Peter nodded his head. "Well yeah, of course."

"Okay...why would you?"

Peter shrugged. "He's my bestfriend and I care about him alot...?"

"Exactly. That's the same reason I didn't hesitate to adopt you."

Peter nodded before his mouth flung open. "WAIT I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND??" He shouted so loud that some people walking on the sidewalk 55 meters below them heard and turned their heads.

Tony laughed. "'re my son so of course. And because I care about you and I always have."

Peter was beaming. His smile was from ear to ear and he looked like he could die of happiness. He didn't say anything though, he just hugged Tony. The metal Ironman suit was hard to hug but Peter didn't care.

When the father and son got home, they were greeted by the whole team eating breakfast.

"Hey! How was patrolling?" Steve asked, smiling.

"Awesome!" Peter exclaimed and everybody chuckled.

"Tony, Bruce broke your 200 dollar microwave." Nat said, looking over at Bruce who scrunced his nose.

"No, Clint broke it! I was just next to him Romanoff." He replied and Nat chuckled.

"You break it, you buy it." Tony said with a laugh.

"You sound like a damn 1st grade teacher." Sam replied chuckling.

"Where's Clint anyways?" Tony asked, searching the table with his eyes.

"Went back home to the family. He said he'll be back by the end of the week or whenever we need him." Nat told him and Tony nodded in understanding.

"Speaking of, we need him." Steve said, pointing at the T.V.

Tony knitted his eyebrows before looking up at the screen. "Aw shit."

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