Chapter 17

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"Peter." Tony's voice was kind but stern.

Peter's head turned to the doorway, tears falling from his eyes. "What." He mumbled.

"The school called." Tony stated. Peter nodded slowly in understanding.

"He started it." Peter whispered.

"What happened?" Tony walked into the room and sat on the bed with Peter.

"Nothing. Just a fight." Peter muttered.

Tony rolled his eyes. "So you punched a kid with your super strength over nothing?"

Peter felt anger boil in his gut. "No!" His voice was calm but sharp.

"Then what?" Tony asked impatiently.

Peter sighed. "He said stupid things about Aunt May." He mumbled. Peter didn't expect Tony to hear him but he did.

"Things like what?" Peter could tell that Tony was angry now.

"That we were poor and that he's glad that she's dead." Peter replied simply, though remembering the words coming out of Flash's mouth triggered more rage in him.

Tony looked just as mad. "I'm going to kill him." He mumbled.

"And then he tried to punch me but I dodged it and punched him. Then he fell and I ran out of the school before the principle came." Peter told him.

Tony nodded his head in understanding. "The principle wants to see us tomorrow morning. You tell him exactly what happened and any other dirt you can get on this stupid kid, kay?"

Peter nodded in agreement. "Okay."


Tony and Peter walked out of the Audi and through the main doors of Midtown High; into the principles office.

"Hello Mr. Stark." Mr. Moraine greeted before turning his attention to Peter. "Hello Peter."

"Hey." Tony replied dryly before the father and son sat in the chairs infront of Mr. Moraine's desk.

"So I heard the story from Flash on what happened yesterday but I also want to hear Peter's si-" Tony cut the man off.

"I heard Peter's side of the story and Peter had the full right to punch the kid." Tony stated firmly and calmy but there was a hint of rudeness in his voice. "So unless you want to give Flash consiquences, we're gonna leave." Tony started to stand up but the principle stopped him.

"I will but I need to hear the story first. We do not tolerate violence in this school." The principle said strongly. Tony scoffed, looking directly into the principle's eyes with an angry look (which scared the man a bit) before sitting back down.

"Peter, tell the story." Tony said. Peter began telling the principle what had exactly went down.

"And I would like to ask how Flash even found out about May's death considering we gave you strict instructions not to tell anybody." Tony said firmly, his voice lined with anger.

"I told one of Peter's teachers when Flash was around. Sorry." The principle replied simply.

Tony rolled his eyes. "I think we can leave now, considering this Flash kid disrespected a dead family member- not to mention Peter's last blood related living one- and then threw a punch first but Peter dodged it and punched him in defense."

The principle kept quiet as Tony and Peter left the room. "Peter go to class." Mr. Moraine simply said.


"Hey Peter." Flash said, quietly but nicely.

"What do you want Flash." Peter said nastily in reply.

"I just wanted to apologi-"

"Save it." Peter cut him off angrily. "Don't ever speak to me again." Peter stormed off.

Flash was angry now. He was given instructions to apologize and Peter had just embarassed him. He was not going to let anyone think he was scared of Penus Parker. (Though he really was.)


"This isn't a good idea at all." Phillip, one of Flash's 'friends' said.

Flash mumbled "mhm", completely ignoring the 2 boys standing behind him.

"Mr. Moraine said not to even talk to Parker and now you're gonna steal his backpack? You're gonna get it so much trouble." Said James, as Flash continued trying to snap the lock on Peter's locker.

"I'm not going to steal it, idiot. I'm gonna pour slime and expired chunky milk in it. He has all his assignments in there. Parker's gonna be screwed!" Flash replied, finally snapping the lock with a tool he had found in the janitors closet. The locker door swung open.


Flash grabbed Peter's backpack. "Get the slime and milk." Flash told James and Phillip. They nodded, walking over to the bags Flash had brought.

Flash unzipped the black backpack and his mouth dropped at what he saw.

The Spiderman suit.

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