Your Gay is Showing pt.3

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'll be going now! See you tomorrow Stevie!" Bucky called walking to the door. 

"Wait... Stay here please!" Steve said grabbing Bucky's arm pulling him back. "You know in case you want to teach me something extra tomorrow."

"Okay. Can I borrow those pajama pants again?" Bucky asks laughing

"They're right where you left them this morning," Steve says pushing past Bucky to get to his bedroom. "So where do you wanna stay?"

"Can I sleep in here again?" Bucky asks wearily

"Sure, as long as you don't embrace me to death again."

"No promises," Bucky says walking into the bathroom giving Steve a suggestive wink throwing the pants over his shoulder, "and you're still alive aren't you?" Bucky closes the bathroom door not allowing Steve time to respond.

 Steve just stared at the door for a second. He was really confused with the way Bucky's been acting. He changed into his pajamas and sat on the edge of the bed reading the newspaper. He was really scared for tomorrow. That's why he truthfully asked Bucky to stay but he didn't want to embarrass himself so he lied to Bucky. He was scared tomorrow he would mess up and fail at everything Bucky taught him. Bucky came back into the room and threw his clothes on a chair in the corner, and curled himself into Steves bed. 

"Are you sure you don't want an extra blanket or something?" Steve said remembering Bucky was sleeping shirtless.

"No, I'll be fine and either way I'll just use you as my blanket," Bucky said smirking. He thought he could be a little gay at the moment since they were going out with girls tomorrow. Steve shouldn't suspect he was gay... right? 

"Okay. Good night Buck," Steve said turning off the light and curling into bed facing towards Bucky. Bucky stared at Steve and Steve stared at Bucky. "Umm... anything you forgot to teach me?" 

"Not that I can remember. Good night Stevie!" Bucky said ruffling Steves' hair and turning the other way trying to make it less awkward. He just wanted to keep staring at Stevie even though he knew he couldn't have him.

~~~ Time Skip To The Next Morning... this is a boring time skip. Get over it ~~~

Bucky again had Steve in his arms but he wasn't strangling him. This time though they were facing each other. They faces and chest were almost touching. When ever the breathed their chests would touch. Steve was the first to wake up. Since he wasn't being held tightly he tried to escape so he could make breakfast, but as he wiggled Bucky woke up. 

"Morning sleepy head!" Bucky said tiredly imitating what Steve did yesterday

"You woke up second!" Steve exclaimed turning over looking at Bucky. "Have you thought of anything else you need to teach me?" 

"Umm... I actually have but you can say no to this one..." Bucky said as if he was embarrassed 

"Okay, what is it?" Steve asked confused. He was probably going to do it no matter what unless it was like sex or something like that. He didn't want to disappoint Bucky.

"Have you ever kissed a girl?" Bucky asked.

"No..." Steve said his cheeks flushing

"Well, I mean you could practice kissing me. So you would know how to do it with girls." Bucky said avoiding eye contact with Steve.

"Sure..." Steve said trying to regain eye contact with Bucky, "uhh when should we start?" Bucky sat up and motioned for Steve to do the same.

"I'll close my eyes to make it a little less awkward and then you can just lean in and kiss me, I guess." Bucky closed his eyes and sat there.

Steve stared at him for a couple seconds before leaning in and kissing Bucky. It started off with just Steve kissing Bucky and then Bucky kissed back. It was soft and sweet when it was just Steve but then Bucky found himself overwhelmed. The last guy he kissed was Richard and that was a while ago so he missed the taste of man on his lips. When Bucky kissed back passionately pushing himself at Steve. 

At that moment Steve pieced together why Bucky had been acting weird.

Steve pulled back.

"I don't know how to say this," Steve said looking a little alarmed

"Just say it," Bucky said ashamed thinking Steve was going to say the couldn't be friends anymore or something like that.

"Your gay is showing!" Steve blurts out

"What?" Bucky asked slightly relieved but also partly concerned.

"Sorry. I mean you're gay. Aren't you Buck," he said it more as if it was a statement than a question.

"Is it that obvious?" Bucky asked a little ashamed.

"Not really it just explains a lot."

"Okay. I'm sorry, I'll leave now." 

"No. Why are you leaving?" Steve asked

"You hate me now don't you?" Bucky asked confused on why Steve wanted him to stay.

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because being gay is wrong."

"Well if it is I don't want you to be right," Steve says with a small smile

"That was really cheesy Stevie," Bucky said finding it in himself to smile. They sat in silence just staring at each other. Then...

Steve lent in and kissed Bucky. When Bucky didn't kiss back Steve leaned back and looked down. Bucky was confused why Steve kissed him.

"Was that part of the lesson?" Bucky asked

"Not really. It was to try it out," Steve said looking back up, "you know on a guy to see if I liked it because I pulled back right away the first time."

"Well did you like it?" Bucky asked with a bit of hope in his eye.

"I don't know I wasn't kissed back."

And with that Bucky kissed Steve. Man did he love it and this time Steve kissed back. Steve ended the kiss.

"I think I do enjoy it," Steve said smiling looking at Bucky, " I have a question though."

"Hit me"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No," Bucky said ashamed

"Do you want one?" Steve said with a look of faith.

"Well, I want a certain person to be mine." 

"And who is that?" Steve asked. Bucky pulled on Steves shirt bringing him into a kiss. 

"I think you know," Bucky said against Steve's lips. Steve smiled but pulled away. 

"I'd love to but we still have a date today."

"Fine," Bucky said happily. He actually could have Steve. 

A/N: There we go! We're finally done! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Also as of publishing this, we broke 500 reads! I'm literally speechless thank you all so much! <3 The shout out and schedule will come out tomorrow! Love Y'all!!!

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