Chapter Twenty-One: Lady Luck

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It's all about the perfect timing, right? Yeah. I wonder how things would have turned out had Luis not have been looking at my computer screen when I entered the room completely naked.

I felt like a complete moron. I think that I must be the unluckiest girl on earth. It's a curse, really! That moment when you are quite literally bearing all of yourself to the man you love... you are showing him your vulnerabilities at what could be the worst possible timing ever.

Well, how does one recover from that? Let me tell you, that it is very possible to recover from that. 

So, there I am standing in front of him wearing only my birthday suit. While I am very comfortable with my nakedness, I have just appeared to him this way while he is currently very confused.

He is watching me and he seems to be unaware of how to address the situation. Judging by the song 'Broken Wings' by Mr. Mister which is currently playing, he clearly found my music playlist.

So he does the only thing that he can do! He clears his throat and turns his back to me. "Damn. Nicky! What the hell! That's not what I meant by getting out of those clothes," he tells me.

I can hear him laughing nervously under his breath, trying to maintain his composure and now I am all the more confused.

What do I do in this situation? Do I run away and hide my face and body and never address this situation again? Nope! Do you want to know what I do?

I own the moment!

I am proud of my body. I've worked hard to finally be able to love myself... Every imperfection is what makes my body perfect! So if he isn't okay with it. That's his problem. It's not like he hasn't seen it before.

Plus, I'm kind of scared that he might run away after seeing that maternity lingerie site. I want to stop him if and when he does.

"You're laughing, Luis? Why are you laughing?" I ask.

"I'm not laughing... I just..." He is so laughing! "You're still naked, aren't you?" he asks me.

I look down at my body and shrug. "Yep, it's my house. You've seen my body before. So, I don't know what the problem is." He brings his hands to the back of his head and still doesn't turn back.

"The problem is..." he stammers. "The problem is that you have no clue just how hard it is to resist you! And now you're looking at maternity wear... Just tell me, are you pregnant? If you are, who's is it? Is it Ryan's?"

Now I am laughing. "I won't answer unless you turn and face me, Luis," I say as I step toward him.

I am getting flashbacks of Jaime doing this exact thing to me. Poor Luis, I know how uncomfortable he is feeling right now.

Luis closes his eyes as I approach him. "I'm not going to look," he tells me. "You can't make me look."

"No, I can't make you... But, that's your choice and I respect that..."

"Are you going to go get dressed?" he asks me.

"Nope!" I smile at him. "That's my choice, and you need to respect that!"

He is weighing up his options. The hint of a smile appears on his face and he removes his hands from the back of his head.

I continue to smile at him and he slowly opens his eyes and turns his body to face me, maintaining eye contact. He will not lower his head for the life of him, although he really looks like he wants to.

"So, are you going to tell me?" he asks me. His voice falters a little.

I smile. "You held up your end of the bargain, so yeah... I'll tell you."

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