Chapter Seven: Takes Two to Tango

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While this chapter has nothing to do with the classic dance of the tango, it certainly takes two people to hold up the charade of fake dating. Whether you are seeing eye to eye, or you are at war and are doing so for the same common goal... it still takes two to carry out the plan.

For one might stumble over their words, and at least they have the other to help them out. At this point, I am beginning to understand just why Adam picked Luis to carry out his plan.

Considering Adam is the one person who knows me the best, he must have figured that pairing me up with someone who can stay calm and collected at the best of the times, would be the best partner for this dance.

The plan that Luis came up with, to wait a little while longer and emerge from our room a little disheveled was a brilliant idea that certainly solidified that we are a couple... As fake as the charade may be.

I have to admit, that he is also a pretty good actor. He plays the part of the doe-full-eyed boyfriend, so well that one might believe that he is actually an expert at the game.

There have been a few times that I have noticed him smiling at me from the corner of his eye. He actually seems to be having a ball.

As the two of us are sitting, sipping drinks with my parents at the table by the large pool, I catch another smiley gaze in my direction and can't help but smile back. Luis is sitting right beside me, my parents are across from us.

"So, Luis..." My father says, noticing this display instantly, "What are your intentions with my daughter?"

Ouch! While my mother has been talking the poor man's ear off about marriage and children, he has been diverting the conversations easily like a professional.

But there is no escape when my father asks that question... He used to be a well-respected lawyer until he became a well-respected judge.

I see another bead of sweat line the poor Hipster Blues Brother's face as he wipes it away, subtly. While the temperature is hot, there is no doubt about it, that was clearly a sweat drop of nervousness.

My father has also caught the gesture and is now awaiting his response. But, whatever his response may be, my dad's final observation will be judged on just why he is acting nervous at this point.

"My intentions?" Luis asks.

"With my daughter..." my dad replies.

Luis shuffles in his seat nervously and then looks at me as he reaches out for my hand. His eyes are pleading with me for assistance. Like I said, it takes two to tango. While Adam may have been the conspirer behind this plan, Luis and I are the dancers.

But when it comes down to it. I am the one who needs him to play along in order to save my own dignity. I cannot leave Luis stranded in the middle of the dance floor to be torn apart by my father... the judge! In turn, I take hold of his hand and smile up at him, doing my best to keep up the charade.

"You seem nervous, Luis!" My father probes, "Don't look at her... look at me, as you answer." Luis looks back at my father and as he tries to muster his confidence.

There is still a hint of nervousness in his voice as he says: "That's the thing, it takes two to tango. I only looked at her when you asked because whatever my intentions may be, it doesn't mean a thing if she doesn't feel the same way as I do. Our relationship is strictly about equality."

This has my father stumped. I can see that he wasn't expecting Luis to answer that way. Still, my dad won't back down. "I asked what your intentions are... I will ask the same of her in a minute..."

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