Chapter Fourteen: Busted!

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So, let's recap! Jaime turned up at my new job in a small town that I thought that I could escape to. He has just saved a plate before I could send it crashing onto the floor.

Now every face is on the two of us. I need to avoid drawing any more attention than necessary. If Lori and Tess are to see that this man is a part of my past, it could open up a whole can of worms. I'm just not ready for that! Not yet, anyway.

"Thank you, sir..." I murmur at Jaime as if I have ever never met him before. "Let me set your coffee down on the table for you."

As Jaime sits back down at his table I grumble at him so that only he can hear. "You followed me?"

"You skipped town with no word!" he replies. "I was worried about you! Of course, I'd search for you." I look around the café. Lori has noticed me chatting to him and she is focusing on the two of us. I need to cut our conversation short.

"Yeah... Most people would get the hint and just leave them alone! Not, follow after them!" I reply. Jaime stares down at his plate of bacon and eggs in a bid to avoid my eye contact, as if he has been caught out doing something wrong.

"Would you blame me, Nicole?" he mumbles, "Look at everything that happened before you left! You wouldn't answer any of my calls! Even Adam was worried!"

His voice is just as low as mine. Thankfully, he understands that this is not the place to cause a scene. Despite my frustrations with him, I have to admit that he has one hell of a sexy voice! Even when he grumbles.

His eyes dart over to my left hand that is still holding his coffee... He instantly sees the ring and his eyes grow wide.

"You're engaged?" he scoffs silently. "Of course you're engaged... it's that Luis guy, isn't it?"

What do I say to that? I know that I owe this guy an explanation, but it's all very complicated.

"No, Jaime... I'm not engaged. Well... it was all..." I stammer. He stares up at me waiting for me to elaborate as I try to find the right words to explain.

"Nicky! Table one needs their meals!" Doreen calls out to me from the cash register.

For a moment I want to tell Jaime everything, but not here. Not while I am supposed to be working. Yet he has just driven hours out of his way to come searching for me. I still have three hours before my lunch break.

"Nicole! Table one!" Doreen calls out again.

"Are you sticking around?" I ask him quickly.

"I only just got into town," he replies. "But yeah, I can stick around."

"Thanks. Explore the town. I go on my break at one!" I immediately, spin around and get back to work, dodging the overly curious gazes that I receive from both Lori and Tess in the process.

So I get it! While I was hoping to escape from the complications in my life, I was caught out by the man who is forever trying to rescue me.

And now I am going to meet with him on my lunch break... It doesn't get any more complicated than that... Oh, wait! Yes, it does! I chickened out on my therapist appointment, the only person who could probably succeed in helping me fix my overly complicated life!

"Oh my god! He was your fiancé! Wasn't he?" Tess squeals in delight once the breakfast rush is over and Jaime has left the cafe. We are clearing the mess from the empty tables amongst ourselves while Lori is working the counter.

I immediately burst into laughter at the crazy notion, almost dropping the tray that I have in my hands.

"Well, if that isn't the case, just tell me... Have you slept with him?" she asks.

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