Start from the beginning

"Mommy Aaliyah!" She cheers

"Hello, my beautiful nugget"

"Nugget? I'm Pebbles!" She giggles

"Yeah I know but I like nugget"

"Okay me too. Is dada coming to get me?" she frowns

"No not today"

"I want him! Nana doesn't play with me and she said no cartoons" she whimpers

"Awe nugget don't cry, call Dave and tell him maybe he'll come get you"  I suggest "I told him to but he doesn't listen to me"

"He don't answer me" she cries harder "Is he mad at me?"

"No baby I don't know what's going on with him. Even though I don't feel like talking to him I'll call him for you"

"Otay" she nodded hanging up

What the fuck has Dave's attention? He a great father but all of a sudden this nigga can't make time for his child?

This man sent me to voicemail four times.

Liyah😇😊 Dave what's so important you can't go and get your own flesh and blood? Kairi is crying for you, she wants to go home and spend time with you. Go get her!

Mr.East😍👅she'll be Ight I'm busy..

Liyah😇😊 busy doing what? every time we FaceTime your in bed or on the couch doing absolutely fucking nothing! What's got your attention?

Mr.East😍👅like I said I'm busy bye👋🏽

Liyah😇😊 bet say no mo'

He got me fucked up, If I could I would be on a plane on my way to beat his ass. But I got shit to do.

Storming out the bathroom I changed clothes in my closet going downstairs to make Hope's breakfast she should be up in a few minutes.

My front door opened, Prince and who I'm amusing is Seriyah walked in.

"Awe you made me breakfast? That's so sweet" Prince smiled hugging me

"Um no I made this for my daughter" I squint giving him a side hug

"You. . .have a child?" Seriyah asked finding it hard to believe

"Yes" I nodded glancing at Prince. He smiled taking the plate

Even though we were somewhat friends a few years ago I never told her about Hope, I didn't want her to know me on that level.

"With that body I would've never known"

"Good morning" Hope smiles coming into the kitchen

"Good morning Pooh" I smiled back taking the plate from Prince and placing it on the table.

"I'm hungry too!" Prince whines

"Should've ate before coming here"

"Forget you I'ma find a sister better than you" he mumbles

"Forget me? Oh okay I'll just give Mike your food that's in the microwave" I shrug

"Wait I was just playing Lee! You know you're my only sister. My favorite only sister!" he yells getting his food

"Nah you're fake" I laugh

Leaving them downstairs I went back to my room. My notifications were going off like crazy. Messages from Dave left me confused as hell.

Mr.East😍👅 mind your fucking business bitch don't worry about me nor my child. Ain't nobody worried about you or yours. Don't call/text me no more

Mr.East😍👅I found myself a bitch that's way better than you. . .smells better, look better, gives head better the list goes on. Oh and I want my shit back! Everything I bought you send it back to me you don't deserve shit from me.

Liyah😇😊say less, I told you from the jump not to buy me anything but I'm not about to trip nor stress myself out about this because I didn't do anything wrong.

I don't know where this is all coming from but it is what is. Feeling warm liquid drip from my nose I sighed going into the bathroom for tissue. This happens every time I work myself up or get angry.

"I can't stress over this and I won't. I refuse too" I said to myself loudly

"Whatcha talking about?" Mike asked popping his head into the bathroom

"Dave. He told me not to worry about him or Kairi because he's apparently found someone 'better' than me" I shrugged putting air quotes around better "I didn't do shit so I don't know his problem but like I said I'm not gonna stress it. Something isn't right with him, he's acting completely different from yesterday"

"I thought y'all weren't dating, so what does he mean he found someone better?"

"We weren't. We had sex the night before I left but that's it. I didn't want a relationship."

"You want me to handle him? I have no problem going to New York and shooting his crib up"

"Please don't do that, he's a father to a great kid. I don't want her growing up without him."

"That's your problem you care too much for people."

"I can't stop caring, Mike. It doesn't matter how bad they treat me and that's my biggest down fall." I sighed throwing the tissue away then washed my hands

"Mommy, uncle Prince is leaving!" Hope shouts walking past my room

"I need to go start my day. I'll see you later Mike"

"What about my hair?"

"Do it yourself"

Leaving the house with Hope and Prince's girlfriend I paid all my bills then got our nails done. I keep forgetting Prince's girlfriend name so I just say 'aye' or nothing at all.

After our nails trip, I took them to my store to check on things then went back to my house.


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