Chapter 21

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"God finally someone give me the fucking plate I'm starving," Tony says as I sit. I quickly glance at Loki sitting in front of me and put food in other's plates then mine.

"Are these daggers?" Thor asks as he picks up the two chopsticks.

"No Thor, they're chopsticks," i say with a laugh.

"I'm a supposed to stab these noodles?" He asks, looking at me. I shake my head and pick up mine and show him how it's done.

"These noodles are running away from them!" Thor grumbles as the noodles slip out. I use my chopsticks and pick some up for him.

"Like this Thor," I say and bring it to his mouth. He opens his mouth and eats it. His faces lights up as he quickly swallows it.

"ANOTHER!" he yells as he slams the table.

"Holy fuck cAN YOU NOT?!" Tony yells as he jumps a bit. I laugh and give him another bite.

"Thor you eat like an animal," Kristen says with disgust. Thor smiles, his cheeks filled with noodles. I snicker and grab a tissue, wiping his mouth.

"Thank you (y/n)," Thor tells me.

"Anytime bud," I say and begin eating my own food.

"So um anyone wanna explain what he's doing here," Kristen asks, pointing to Loki who was quietly eating his noodles with a fork.

"(Y/n) said he could eat with us," Tony says. She looks over at me and I stare right into her eyes, she sighs and rubs her head.

"I'll be back," she sighs and walks upstairs.

"Kristen," Steve says and follows her upstairs.

"I think Steve fancies Kristen," Thor whispers in my ear. I almost choke my noodles and turn to him.

"Don't even Thor," I tell him. 

"I think they would look nice together," Thor shrugs.

"NO!" I yell and push him, causing him to fall out his chair.

"I wish to leave," Loki says and gets up. I look from the groaning Thor to him.

"I'm not taking him," Tony quickly says. I roll my eyes and get up.

"Let's go," I sigh and walk out, him following me.

"Do you fancy my brother?" Loki asks as we walk.

"Pft no he's not my type; sure he's hot, muscular, and has an accent, but still not my type," I tell him.

"Then why did you feed him?" Loki asks.

"Because he didn't know how to use chopsticks," I answer as we walk into the stables.

"He could have utilized the fork," Loki shoots back.

"Well I didn't think of it at the moment," I tell him.

"What did he whisper to you?" He questions.

"Nothing Loki!" I slightly yell. He sees my annoyed tone and shuts up. He narrows his eyes and I lock the magnets. What was his problem?

"Are you mad at me?" Loki asks.

"No I'm not! Now goodnight," I huff and take slow steps back home.

"Thor my charger isn't going in can you straighten the outlet with this fork?" Tony asks Thor when I walk in. Thor takes the fork and begins to put it in.

"THOR NO!"I yell and take it. I give Tony a dirty look and put the fork back in the kitchen.

"Who cleaned the kitchen?" I ask out loud.

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