Chapter 9

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"There you go," I say and set down the glass of water that had a straw onto the small table I built.

"Now you can drink by yourself and I'll move it if the glass is empty," I say and go back to get the collar and rope.

"Ok so I'm going to place this collar on you and tie you up with this rope," I tell Loki.

"No," he says simply.

"Yeah well I veto your decision your highness," I mumble as I put the collar on. After that I tie him up tightly with the rope.

"Make any drastic move this collar will give you the shock of your life, or if you're more than half a mile away it'll give you an even bigger shock, enough to paralyze a normal human but you're Asgardian so it'll just be painful and it won't stop till I make it. It'll also send me the location of where the shock happened, so try not to get shocked," I explain. I sit down and observe the handcuffs from behind him. There was no keyhole...

"Voice activated," Loki says simply, as if he read my mind. I get up and get a similar collar, but with a different purpose.

"What does he say?" I ask.

"Thor, Son of Odin," Loki responds. I sit down and bring out my phone. Surely there must be a video with Thor's voice. Ah the video Kristen sent me of him. I turn the collar on and start the video. It was just Thor asking why the toaster couldn't heat up water if it could heat up toast. When the video stops I press a few buttons and put the collar on.

"What are you doing?" Loki asks.

"Helping you," I say, but it comes out in Thor's voice. I notice Loki stiffen a bit. I bend down next to the collar.

"Thor, Son of Odin," I say. The handcuff opens and I take them off, tying his hands up behind him.

"Just a reminder no funny movement," I say, still in my Thor voice. I take the collar off and place it on the table when I get in.

"You know you can talk," I say to Loki.

"I do what I want," Loki scoffs. I sigh and start some music to break the awkward silence. I work and bop to the music at the same time. Biting my lip I focus. So the chain is a simple one.

"Where are my magnets," I mumble as I look for them. I found my normal ones but I needed the stronger ones. The ones I made.

"Found em," I sigh and take 6. I break the chain off and attach 3 magnets on each handcuff, placing them in the flat part.

"Ah yes," i sigh as I place the last touches. Just a simple padding on the inside so the wrists don't scrape. I take the two cuffs and walk back to Loki. I sit down and untie his hands. His hands were nice and cool, I liked it. When the rope came off I put the cuffs on and they automatically shut.

"There now you can move your arms," I sigh and scooch in front of him. He peers at me and brings his arms in front of him, looking at what I did.

"The cuffs are still on," he says.

"Oh yeah but you can still move them. When I want I can push a button that will activate those magnets. The more you try to struggle out of them the higher the magnetic force will go," I explain. Loki simply nods and checks them out.

"I'm also going to take those ropes off but please don't run because the collar is staying on," I say. He doesn't make any movement and I slowly untie the ropes. I get up slowly along with him. I put my hand in my pocket and press the button. The handcuffs immediately join together. I press the button underneath it, releasing them.

"It works!" I squeal and hug Loki. I immediately realize what I was doing and jump back.

"Sorry," I squeak out.

"How did you make these?" Loki asks.

"Simple. The chain was a simple chain so I took it off and just attached magnets that I made a while ago," I shrug. He looks at them again. I swear I could see a small sparkle in his eyes.

"Ok time to show the others," I say and grab his hand, pulling him. I practically sprint to the house.

"Guys look!" I say as I walk in. The three come from different directions and widen their eyes at the Norse god behind me.

"You let him out?!" Steve growls.

"(Y/n) are you stupid?!" Tony yells.

"(Y/n) get out the way," Thor says as summons his hammer.

"Guys wait!" I yell. When they shut up I take a deep breath.

"Look Loki can't do anything he still has his cuffs on. I simply took off the chain and added magnets that will increase their magnetivity if he tries to struggles out of them. And he has a collar that will send him a large shock if he's half a mile away from me or makes drastic movements. I also have a remote that will bring the cuffs together and make the collar send the charge," I explain as quickly as I can.

"How are we sure this works?" Steve asks.

"Because I made it that's why," I shrug.

"So just because you made it, it'll work?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. Isn't that your logic behind your creations?" I ask.

"Fair point," Tony mumbles.

"Please just trust me," I silently beg.

"I trust her," Thor says, looking at Loki and I.

"I'm going to regret this," Steve sighs and walks up to his room.

"I just have one question," Tony says.

"What?" I ask.

"Why are you two holding hands?" He asks.

Holy shit 1k! I didn't even expect this to get like 100😭😭 THANK YOUUUUU❤️❤️❤️ my friend got a Loki keychain and I'm thinking bout asking my dad if I can get some Loki merch. But aside from that I'm glad you guys like that story!❤️❤️

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