Chapter 18

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"Agent Rose is this the 0-8-4 you told me about?" Fury asks Kristen. She contacted him? I bring my shocked gaze to her serious one.

"Yes sir," she says like it's nothing. I want to punch her. Unfortunately, the handcuffs and 20 agents behind me stopped me.

"Woah woah woah! I thought we agreed not get Shield involved," Tony tells Kristen as he approaches us.

"I'm a Shield agent, so anything that includes me includes Shield," Kristen says.

"I agree; we don't know if she's a friend or foe yet," Steve tells Tony. Steve too?

"You do realize this is (y/n) we're talking about?! You think she'd hurt us? I can't believe the US has faith in a guy like you," Tony scoffs.

"He speaks the truth; (y/n) has shown us great hospitality ever since we got here," Thor speaks.

"She was about to curtsy to Thor! You think she can harm us of all people?" Tony asks Steve.

"'s fine. Not like anything you'll say will change anything," I tell them. Tony sighs.

"You know we saved the world I think you should let her off because of that," Tony offers. Kristen rolls her eyes and I give him a small smile.

"It was your job too; now miss (l/n) any last requests?" Fury asks.

"Can I say bye to my horse?" I ask. Fury looks at me as if i was joking.

"I think she should be allowed to do that," Thor says.

"Will you accompany her?" Fury asks Kristen.

"No I don't want Miss. Rose to attend with me," I say with a hint of bitterness.

"No sir I think a girl and ahem her horse should deserve some privacy," she says. Fury nods and frees me of my handcuffs for now. I walk to the stables and shut the door.

"Hey Hades," I say softly. He picks his head up from eating and looks at me.

"I'm going to have to go now; be good and don't hurt anyone will you?" I ask him.

"Where are you going?" Loki asks from his corner.

"I don't know if I'll come back darling so be nice to whoever takes care of you for me?" I ask Hades softly. I open his stall door and hug Hades. I feel Hades bring his head down, lightly touching my back.

"(Y/n) come here," Loki tells me. I give Hades a small kiss and close his stall; looking at Apollo's empty stall. Nico's relatives apparently came and took him and Nico away.

"(Y/n) can you not hear me? I asked for you to come here," Loki demands. I huff and walk up to him.

"What? Want to break my heart even more?" I ask.

"Where are you going?" He asks me.

"Shield's here to take me," I tell him honestly. His eyes widen a bit.

"Don't be shocked just a while ago you were in a great hurry to get rid of me," I scoff.

"No that isn't right; they should not be here," Loki says.

"Well they are," I tell him.

"Are you done?" A voice says from the outside.

"Just a minute!" I say loudly.

"....I might not come back you know," I mumble.

"Don't say that," Loki says.

" Bye Loki," I mumble and turn to walk to the door. I take a few steps and pause. If there's a chance I'm not coming back then...should I...?

"I'm giving you 30 seconds!" Fury says from outside. I quickly turn back to Loki and walk up to him. He looks at me as if he was searching something.

"Forgot something," I say quickly and pull him down for a quick kiss. I'm going to regret that, I have a feeling I would. No I knew I would. But if I'm never coming back then might as well.

"10 seconds!" Fury yells. I pull away from him and speed walk to the stable's door.

"Sorry I took so long," I mumble.

"It won't be as long as the time you'll be spending with me," Fury says, putting the cuffs back on.

"Hey Sheriff can we at least say bye to her? Or are we not worth as much as her horse?" Tony asks.

"Hurry up with it will you," Fury says as steps back.

"I'm sorry kid," Tony says and hugs me.

"Don't worry about it Stark; maybe if I don't like it there I can join Nico," I tell him with a light chuckle.

"Hey don't talk like that; you're not bad so i'm sure they'll let you off. If not I mean I'm the Iron Man I can do something," Tony rambles.

"Hey Hey don't threaten your safety for me," I tell him.

"No promises," Tony replies and gives me a light hug again.

"My turn!" Thor rumbles and pulls me into a tight hug. I think my feet just left the ground....

"I'll miss you too Thor," I breathe out.

"Hey your hurting her!" Tony says. Thor puts me down with a sheepish smile.

"You know you're the best thing that's ever happened to Loki; I thought he'd get better with you around a bit more but it doesn't seem like it," Thor whispers to me.

"He hates me," I tell him.

"Oh no he hates me not you," Thor says.

"He doesn't hate you. You're his brother, adopted or not," I tell him with a smile.

"Thor are you crying?" Tony asks.

"No these damned flowers are giving me the sniffles," Thor says and stomps off, rubbing his eyes. Next up was Steve.

"Ah it's beauty, it's grace, it's Mr. United States," I mumble. Tony snorts and Steve gives him a dirty look.

"That's your contact name now," Tony says and walks off to Thor.

"Look I know I seem like a bad guy to you bu-"

"I know protection of the people, innocent lives, I get it I'm a threat," I sigh. Steve opens his mouth to say something but then shuts it.

"Hope you come back," he mumbles and walks away to the house. I see Kristen walking to me and I turn to Fury.

"I'm done meeting them I'd like to leave now," I tell him. He looks behind me at Kristen and looks at me.

"What about your sister?" He asks with a small smirk.

"No worries. I'm not a sister to her; she considers me an 0-8-4 rather than family," I say with a smile.

"Alright then," Fury says and nods to an agent and he takes me to the plane.

I have a physics quiz tmrw and maybe a test in accounting rippppp...ALSO THEY HAD THEIR FIRST KISS which wasn't a really good one cuz of some people....looking at you Kristen....but there will be a better one. Also I realized the plot is going way to slowly so I'm trying to speed things up from the chap I'm working on which I think is chapter 25.
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