Chapter 10

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I look down to see my hand holding his tightly as he lightly held mine back. I quickly pull my hand out.

"I was just um really excited to show you the cuffs," I say as my mouth goes dry.

"Sure kid, just try not to fall for the guy who destroyed New York," Tony says and walks away.

"I approve of her brother," Thor simply says and walk away as well. My mouth goes agape at what he says.

"Um let's give you proper clothes," I manage to say and walk upstairs, him following me.

"Um I have some of Nico's shirts, they might fit," I say and grab one of his sweatshirts and pants out of my closet.

"Why do you have his clothes?" Loki asks.

"He has sleepovers here," I shrug and toss him the clothes.

Stay here," I say and tiptoe into Tony's room. I grab his shampoo and body wash and go back to my room.

"You didn't run," I sigh as I see Loki. He was simply looking out the window.

"Why would I?" He asks. I shrug with a smile and hand him the stuff I had.

"Bathroom is right there and one in Tony's room as well as Kristen's. Take a shower then change," I say, pointing to the bathroom in my room.

"What about these?" He asks pointing to the cuffs and collar.

"Waterproof," I simply say. He nods and walks into the bathroom. I flop down on my bed after I hear the soft click.
*mini Timeskip*
"You're done?" I ask as I finish the sentence in my book. I look up to see Loki in a shirt and joggers. The sweatshirt was a tiny bit in the tighter side but I wasn't complaining.

"I smell like the man of iron," Loki says with distaste.

"You smell good," I say as I get up. The smell was strong. He didn't smell exactly like Tony, nor he smelled like Nico. He smelled different, but a good different. Loki simply hums in agreement and I walk down with him.

"Brother now you look midgardian as well!" Thor cheers.

"Why does he smell like Tony?" Steve whispers.

"I stole his shampoo," I whisper back. Steve snickers and stands straight.

"Well I'll make dinner," I say and clasp my hands.

"No need I ordered pizza, is that my shampoo?" Tony asks, walking towards us.

"No," I lie.

"Horrible liar," Tony tells me.

"Hehe sorry," I chuckle.

"You owe me reindeer games," Tony says, walking away.

"(Y/N) LOKI ESCAPED!" Nico yells as he slams the door open, gaining all our attention. He sees Loki and goes pale.

"Oh you're in the house," he squeaks.

"I know," Steve grumbles from his spot on the sofa. When did he go there?

"Don't worry," I tell him.

"You sure?" He asks me.

"Yeah Loki is my friend! right Loki?" I ask him.

"No," he says simply.

"See," I say and pretend not to be hurt.

"Ouch why so harsh brother?" Thor asks. Loki doesn't respond to him.

"Well I put Apollo back and Hades returned as always. I tried to get him in his stable but he almost killed me so yeah," Nico says as if it were the norm.

"Thank you for trying," I say and pat his chest, walking out to out Hades back. I hear a second pair of footsteps and see Loki following me.

"You don't have to follow me," I tell him.

"Well then," he says and walks back inside.

"Bye (y/n)!" Nico says from the porch. I wave at him and watch him run towards his house for a bit.

"Hades," I chuckle as I see the black horse. He comes to me and I pet him.

"Aw look Nico even put your food in your stall for you," I tell him. He neighs and walks in.

"Try complying to him like that as well," I say and lock it. I watch him and Apollo for a bit then walk out.

(Y/n)!" A voice says. I couldn't see that well because it was night but I hoped the voice wasn't who I thought it was.

"I haven't seen you in a while (y/n)," he says, walking up to me. Oh no I'm screwed.


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