Chapter One: Red Sky, Red Moon

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After sensing that his Servant was behind him, Saber of Red's Master looked back to him "Saber...the Yggdmillenia siblings called me. They said they were holding a meeting. Ruler had insisted because it was fairly important. They're asking if we all could meet in the backyard of the mansion." the necromancer with shades states as the Saber nods

"Well, I wonder what's happening many of us are attending, Kairi?"

"Hmm...I think you, Rider of Black, Archer of Black, Ruler, Sieg, Fiore and Caules. They say...something is weird about that Moon. The proof was in the mansion..." Kairi Sisiguo, Saber of Red's Master, announced as they walked towards the Yggdmillenia mansion.

"Seriously, we're getting caught up with one weird mess after another..." Saber of Red grumbles in complaint, although unable to do anything about it.


"What's up with our virtual sky?" a brown haired male asked his companions. The female brown haired shook her head "Don't look at me, Haku." she said as she sat beside him. Right now, they were in the rooftop of the school, Tsukumihara Academy along with their Servants; Caster and Saber and two more of their fellow Masters, a twin tailed girl with blue eyes and a purple haired girl with gold eyes and eyeglasses. They had their own Servant with them, though they were dematerialized.

"But still...isn't it impossible for the sky to be any other color but blue with...small number codes?" Caster said, her blue kimono noticeable as she looked onto Saber. "Umu. This is indeed unusual, Praetor..." Saber replies.

"Explanation, Rin, Rani? Can you?" the brown haired male, Haku, asked and both of the aforementioned Masters sighs and looked directly into the moon. "There's something wrong with the 7th floor, more specifically, the Moon Cell itself. The place with which you both rescued us. The light of that red moon originates from there..." Tousaka Rin said and Rani VIII nods

"Should we go and investigate?" the female twin of Haku asks, but already knowing the answer. They all looked at each other and nods. Things won't be settled if they just sat there without doing anything. The least they could do is find what the red moon and sky's cause is.

With that in mind, their group went to the elevator that they always maintained inside the Supply Room, to go to the 7th floor.


"So, what is the true purpose of this meeting, anyway?" a pink haired elementary-schooler said as she rubbed her eyes. She was pissed off since they were awokened at 12 midnight and were forced to hold an emergency meeting in the mansion across the street.

"Well, you've noticed it when you walked here, didn't you?" a blonde lady asks as they all gathered in their so-called meeting room. By what she said, every occupant of the room looked hard into her.

"The moon and sky...were red." a twin tailed girl with blue eyes told them and the others nodded "Yes, that's why we took too long coming here. We tried to find a reason for it, Luvia-san, Rin-san." a silver haired girl with red eyes answers

"Does this have anything to do with the Class Cards?" a black haired elementary schooler with gold eyes asked which made Luvia and Rin shake their head "That is where we are not sure, Miyu..." Luvia replies

"But...the sky...and the moon..." a blue stick, kaleidostick, starts

"Definitely have traces of magic on them..." continued a red stick, kaleidostick.

Fate/Rendezvous ( EDITED )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz