9. Photograph - Ed Sheeran

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"Neji!!!" Tenten cried as she dashed towards Neji's direction before he even walks out of Konoha gates.

Neji turn around and gaped at his wife, Tenten.

"Take this." she smiled giving Neji a small hard paper.

"What is this?" he asked flipping it and turns out to be a photograph.

"A picture of us. It was taken on last years christmas party. We looked so happy in there so, I want you to take it with you, So you may remember me when your going to fight." she smiled but rather a sad smile.

"Ten.." he hugged her.

"I know It will takes time before you can go home again, but please promise me you'll be back." she said trying to supress her tears.

"I promise. I'll be back." he said pushing her to see her while cupping her face and then he gave her a smack on the lips.

"Neji! Let's go!" called Naruto as they prepare to go out there in the war.

Neji let go of her hand, and smiled, putting the photo into his pocket.

"Tenten, wait for me to come home."

NejiTen: Mp3 Shuffle ChallengeWhere stories live. Discover now