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Trish's POV

I love you.

Those damned words refused to leave my mind.

I stared staright into his eyes, mine wide as saucers.

My body stood frozen in his arms no words escaping my mouth.

I was stuck.


Alec's face instantly went blank and he placed me back on my feet.

His throat cleared awkwardly and without uttering a single word he began walking, not looking to see if I followed behind.

Rain still poured heavily, my clothes soaked and clinging to my body uncomfortably.

"Alec!" I finally screamed, finding my voice again.

My body shivered from the cold air but mainly because of Alec.

He ignored my call for him, never stopping or turning back.

"Alec." My voice broke as I felt a pang in my chest.

I know I hurt him by not reacting to what he told me but I couldn't bring myself to.

My heart was beating wildly, completely forgetting the abandoned area I was terrified of earlier.

Alec stopped abruptly, not turning in my direction.

His body stiffened, rooted to the spot.

"Please." My tone was desperate.

Desperate for him to look at me.

Desperate for his touch.

Desperate for his love.

His body moved slowly, finally facing my direction.

His features broke me because I was the cause of the pain his eyes held.

My heart rate quickenend even further as he strutted back to me.

But this time he was clearly in pain.

All his emotions were on display, not hiding a single one.

He grabbed my hands in his, dropping to his kness.

My tears mixed with the rain that soaked my skin as I absorbed his state.

"Trish," his eyes shut tightly, jaw clenching as he tried to control his sudden burst of emotions.

My heart broke and I used every willpower within me to not break down there and then.

"I- I can't control my emotions Trish, not with you. I know I mess up I'm not perfect. You deserve so much better yet here I am being selfish. I only want you to myself if I see you with anyone else I will risk it all just to ensure that only I have you. I'm not the same person I use to be before I met you."

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