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I walked in the school doors with Kim at my side. I haven't told her about me and Alec's little incident yesterday.

In fact, I haven't told anyone and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon.

"Ok Trish I'm done playing games. What's with the look?" Kim asked pulling me to a stop at her locker.

I gave her my best smile I could muster. "What are you talking about?"

All Kim did was roll her eyes.

How rude!

"Trish darling, I'm not an ass so don't take me for one. Now what's with the face. You have the slightest blush, your eyes are brighter than usual and there's a scary bounce in your step. Let's just say you look like your mom gave you drugs for breakfast."

"Maybe she did?" I tried even harder although I knew I wasn't fooling her in the slightest.

Kim gave me a flat look. "I thought we were best friends. We're suppose to tell each other everything, I tell you everything. Yet you won't do the same."

All of a sudden, a bottle filled with guilt was dunked over my head.

Kim's right. We are best friends yet here I am keeping secrets from her.

But I can't tell her. At least not until I figure this out. My feelings are all over the place and I don't even know where Alec and I stand at the moment.

"Kim please. You need to trust me on this one. Just give me some time to sought my feelings and fix my confusing life then I'll have a proper answer. Please."

She huffed in defeat. "Fine. But only because I love your sorry ass."

I squealed and squeezed her in a tight hug.

"Ok let's get to class." She laughed, pushing me off her.


No sign of Alec.

He didn't show up at school, he won't answer his phone and Cole, Brian and Caleb don't even know where the hell he disappeared to or what his problem is.

And I can't visit him because I don't even know where he lives.

'Maybe he's just sick or something.' I kept telling myself all day.

Even though I wasn't fooling myself one bit, I still chanted that sentence.

I feel like Alec is trying to avoid me.

It's only been one day but this nagging feeling won't go, it's just getting worse.

I knew it was a bad idea to kiss him yet I still did.

I'm such an idiot.

I jumped onto my bed and stuffed my face in my pillow then let out a frustrated scream.

When I was done and satisfied, I headed to my laptop and went on Facebook deciding to text Alec.

Trishstar: Alec you there? Are you dead or alive. Please text back.

I cringed at my choice of words.

'Are you dead or alive?'

Seriously Trish?!

'Please text back?'

I just sound desperate.

Well, I'm just about ready to dig a hole six feet under and bury myself in it.

I ran downstairs as the doorbell rang.

Who the hell is it?! I'm home alone and it's after eleven at night!

I grabbed an object nearest to me which happened to be my phone.

Yeah, not happening.

I placed it back on the couch and reached for something else.

This time I grabbed a bottle of hair spray. This should work perfectly fine.

Why there's hair spray down here?

I have no idea. Mom was probably running late or something and did her hair down here.

When I got to the door, I reached for the handle and slowly opened it.

Before anyone could utter a single word, I threw the bottle at my predator.

A loud groan was heard. "What the hell?!"

I immediately froze at the familiar voice.

"Why would you do that?!"

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. I thought it was a murderer or rapist or something along those lines!"

He reached for the bottle of hair spray on the floor. "Are you kidding me? Last time I checked, a normal person would spray the hair spray, not throw it. And it's Brian."

"Well I can see that now. No need to be a dick." Rolling my eyes, I slammed the door in his face and stood there waiting for his reaction.

"What the fuck Trish?! First you throw a bottle of hair spray at me then you slam the door in my face?! That's no way to treat a guest, especially a friend." Brian yelled banging on the front door.

A loud laugh escaped my lips as I opened the door and right as I did, he came flying in.

"Shit" He groaned as he landed face first on the floor.

I doubled over as mt laughter increased.

When I sobered up I decided to be the amazing friend I am and ask, "are you ok? I mean, I don't give a crap but I have a reputation to uphold here."

"I don't know what reputation you speak of knowing the little she devil you are."

A smirk spread across my face at the evil thought that came to mind.

Brian got a terrified look as he noticed this.

Before he could react, I ran for the hair spray and sprayed it in his face. "Did I do it right this time?" A sweet smile made it's way on my lips at his pained expression.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Brian flew off the floor and ran to the sink in the kitchen.

He turned the pipe on and slapped water on his eyes.

"What the hell Trish?! I can't believe you were scared of a murderer coming into your house when there was already one. And just to make myself clear, you're that one."

I feigned hurt. "You forgot the rapist. And just to make myself clear, you're that rapist."

"That's it, you're dead. Come here!"

I ran away laughing as Brian chased me around the house for almost an hour.

Thank God for him.

He helped me forget about my Alec problems and I felt a lot better.

But little did she know about the Facebook text.



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