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Trish's POV

The next day at school, Alec finally made an appearance.

I feel like we really connected and became a lot closer yesterday.

My feelings toward him obviously developed as I saw this sweet, caring side that rarely anyone had the chance to witness.

But I wonder if anything between Alec and I have changed. I really hope he doesn't leave me hanging in the dark.

"Ohmygosh. Alec's back! That's weird. He just left for such a long time then suddenly appears out of no where." Kim exclaimed as we approached my locker, where Alec was currently at, might I add.

"Well, I'll just leave you two to it." Before I could reply she left.

Wow. Thanks a lot Kim. Now everything's going to be awkward as hell.

"Hey Trish!" Alec chirped and pulled me into a huge bear hug.

What the actual fuuuuu... fudge balls.

What the hell?!

"Uhm Alec. Are you ok?" I asked a little worried and confused.

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" He replied, pulling back just enough to look me in the eye.

His face held a slight smile and his eyes were brighter than usual.

"Because you're way more cheerful than usual. This isn't the Alec I know and hate with a passion."

Ok maybe that's a lie.

I still like the other Alec no matter how annoying and cocky.

"Maybe that's why I'm showing you this new Alec." He whispered in my ear.

Only then did I realise he shifted closer and a few people in the hall were staring.

My heart rate increased drastically as I felt Alec's minty breath fan against my ear.

And to make this situation worse, his lips brushed against my cheek as he pulled back, a cocky smirk plastered across his face.

Before I could snap back into reality, Alec was gone.

What the hell just happened?

This dude will be the death of me.


"Holy shit! I can't believe I forgot. Trish remember that time you left me there with the twins right in the middle of there usual banter?" Kim gleered daggers in my direction.

"Yeah I remember," I gave the sweetest smile I could muster.

"Care to explain why?" Her tone clearly showed that I did not actually have an option.

"Remember that thing I told you in the bathroom?"

Before she had chance to reply, Josh beat her to it.

"What thing?"

I groaned internally. There is no way in hell I am about to tell him or Jade what I told kim.

That was not even true I will never have feelings for Josh.

"It's nothing I just felt a bit woozy," was my lame excuse.

Jade looked at me skeptically but said nothing whilst Josh could care less.

As if on cue, Alec burst through the cafeteria doors, smirk visible as his eyes searched the crowd.

They eventually found mine and my heart leaped in joy as realisation hit me.

He was searching for none other than me.

But of course Mia had to intervene and ruin my moment.

She smriked in my direction as if noticing me and Alec's eye contact.

Her entire body blocked his view of me as she placed a manicured nail on his chest.

She whispered something in his ear and barely tiptoed in her five inch stilettos, to nibble on his ear.

That was enough for me to snap my eyes in another direction, averting my attention.

I had such an odd feeling at the pit of ny stomach.

A feeling that brought me much discomfort.

A feeling I would rather not have again.

"Trish you alright?" Brian asked, sounding genuinely concern.

"Yes I'm fine, don't worry about me." When I noticed Alec heading this way I excused myself, knowing he was the reason behind this feeling.

Just as I got on my feet, ready to walk I found myself bumping into a hard, yet comforting chest already noticing it as Alec's.

I seem to be doing this alot lately when it comes to him.

Without meeting his gaze, I muttered a quick apology and made a move.

I could feel eyes on me as I left but did not dare turn around.

The second my feet made contact with the hallway floors, I was jolted back.

"What the hell."

"Trish what's wrong? Why the hell did you leave like that? After all this time you hoped I would be here but when I am you leave without uttering a single word to me." He seemed pissed at my actions but I could care less at this point.

"I did say sorrry," I mumbled, refusing to turn in his direction.

There was no point in me doing so as I was roughly turned to face the one person that had me feeling so many unwanted emotions.

"That does not count. Don't try to bullshit me. Why the fuck did you leave like that?"

His harsh tone caused me to flinch but his features softened as he noticed.

But this only angered me.

"I really don't understand you Alec you're just so impossible. One minute you act as though you might actually like me but then the next it's as though you hate me with a passion. I really hoped after that heart felt moment we had yesterday things would be different but looks like I was wrong. You're still the same old cold hearted, selfish, bipolar asshole I couldn't stand."

He seemed taken aback by my words and I won't lie, I was a bit taken aback myself.

His eyes showed a faint emotion I could not recognise.

An emotion that hurt me inside.

But I pushed it aside and snatched my arm from his tight grip.

"Look Alec I really do care and I want to be there for you through everything but when you act this way it's really hard being there. All you do is push people away. Not everyone is the same."

With those final words I spared him one last glance before storming down the hall to no where in particular.



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