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I gasped at the sudden outburst and arms that were holding me in place.

"Alec what the fuck dude!" Brian yelled, looking just about ready to burst.

"Don't what the fuck me. I told you about Trish. I told you how I felt about her dude. Ever since the beginning. You were the only one that knew and this is what you come do behind my back?"

My eyes widened at Alec's statement.

I look at Brian, confused and distraut.

His eyes were terrified as he stared right back, not breaking contact.

"That's enough Alec I get it. Nothing's going on." He reassured trying to calm his fuming friend.

"No Brian. You only used Trish when you knew how much I care for her. All because of what? Some stupid girl that keeps throwing herself at me?"

"Alec," Brian warned, his expression immediately switching to a threatening one.

"No shut the fuck up. It's not my fault Mia keeps coming back to me no matter how much I push her away."

I gasped in shock as tears threatened to escape.

But what surprised me most was the name Alec spoke, never would I have expected this.

"Brian?" I whispered, my voice shaky.

"Trish, I'm sorry. I swear there's more to it than just that story, hear me out I'll explain everything." He pleaded taking small steps bringing himself closer.

I felt Alec's arms tighten around my waist, completely forgetting they were holding me, even through the electric feeling from his touch.

"Why didn't you tell me." I spoke without turning as he clearly knew this was directed toward him.

"Trish I-"

"No Alec, you claim to care yet you said not a word of this to me." There was no holding back now as the tears fell freely.

"Both of you disgust me." I tried to rip free from Alec's hold but he refused to budge.

"Let go of me will you?" By this point I was ready to kick Alec in his manhood without a care in the world.

"No Trish I'm not letting you go so easily. I've slipped up one too many times, but not this time."

My heart warmed at this, but I was not about to let this side of Alec get away this easily. He is only like this now, but soon there will be a completely different side of him, the side I have grown much too accostumed.

My voice was now a mere whisper, "Alec, let go of me."

His arms only tightened in response.

"Trish I'm sorry please give me another chance. I'll prove to you there is more to it. I was using you until actual feelings came into the picture.  My intention was not to hurt you in any way I swear."

His eyes pleaded for my understanding but I refused to let it affect me.

"No Brian. You had your chance but lost it, I need time to think this over."

With those last spoken words I attempted to pry Alec's arms from around me to no avail, as expected.

I groaned in defeat.

"Fine. Hold me all you want just carry me away."

My feet stomped childishly at each spoken word.

The air was suddenly knocked right out my lungs when my stomach landed rather painfully on a hard surface.

I found my eyes gazing at a quite enthralling ass which I recognised as Alec's.

"What the hell, put me down now!"

"No can do sweet cheeks, I was given permission to hold you and that I intend to do."

I could practically sense the cocky smirk that most definately sported his features.

My fists pounded against his back, fighting for freedom.

I felt Alec's hands let me free and immediately my body found itself slipping face first toward the ground.

I screeched and tried saving myself from impact by wrapping my arms around his waist but nothing worked as I continued moving down.

"No Alec you asshole, hold me! Please you have my permission!"

His hands loosely held my legs which reaulted in my body moving slower but still at a deathly pace for impact.

"Agree to go on a date with me and I'll hold your body exactly as you'd like me to."

I could sense the double meaning behind his words but was in no position to scold him.

I was left speechless by his negotiation.

My silence only caused him to loosen his hold even further and i yelped as my face was only a breath away from making contact with the ground.

"Fine Alec I'll go on a date with you," I yelled in one swift breath as my eyes shot tight preparing for the pain that would surely come.

But when nothing came, I popped one eye open, the floor being all I could see but not touch.

Slowly, both eyes were now open and my breathing regulated.

"Perfect, now it's time for our date. I shall hold this body of yours all the way there."

He effortlessly positioned me on his shoulder as I stubbornely folded my arms and huffed in defeat.

"You are one bipolar asshole did you know that?" I retorted, glaring daggers at his back.

His shoulder shook and body vibrated from laughter.

This was a side of Alec I couldn't help but to admire in awe.

"Oh Trish how could I not when you remind me almost everyday." He replied seeming very amused.

My eyes suddenly made contact with Brian's hurt ones as Alec's body shifted.

A smile I hadn't even noticed immediately wiped off my face.

I was so caught in the moment with Alec I completely forgot Brian's presence.

With Alec, it was as if there was no one else in the world, only us two.

Only then did I realise I was in some deep shit.



Accidental Love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora