Chapter Seven: Salve

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Toshinori woke up sweating badly. His breath rattled in his chest as the traces of the dream fell away.

He reached up to cover his face, tears already starting to burn behind his eyes and sobs starting to make it harder to breath.


He wasn't exactly sure when he started to cry, but Toshinori did know that when he was done his breathing was shaky and his vision blurry. Toshinori wrapped his arms around himself as he tried to get his breathing under control.

Finally Toshinori sat up to look at the electric clock sitting on his nightstand. Green numbers danced before his eyes and he had to blink hard a few times before his brain could make any sense of it.


Later then Toshinori had expected.

For a moment he debated rolling over and trying to sleep again or going downstairs to get some water. After a minute or two he decided he didn't feel like going back to sleep quite yet, so he got out of bed and shuffled to the door.

Maybe some water would chase the nightmares away.
Being able to hit something, over and over again, without any consequences was great.

Enji had lost track of time, and since he'd left in such a hurry, he didn't have a phone to check for said time.

It had to at least have been an hour, otherwise he was getting weaker. His muscles were starting to scream in protest.

Enji allowed flames to curl up around his arms as he hit again, doing his best to occupy his mind with the senseless movement and pain.

"I'm pretty sure from what I've heard most of this family's problems come from you."

Enji started to hit harder, the flames growing hotter.

"You just...wh-what are y-you? S-some kind of...of timebomb?!"

A sudden stab of white hot pain made Enji stop, his flames puttering out.

Enji stared down at his hand, a burn covering his palm.

"Pathetic aren't you? Can't even handle your own flames. This is why you'd be better off not even trying to become a hero. Leave the hero work to Shouto."

Enji gritted his teeth and clenched his hand, trying to ignore how his vision blurred from the white hot pain.

He'd have to put some Aloe Vera on the burn and probably wrap it up. There was some at home but...

No, Enji wasn't ready to go home yet.

Who would have Aloe Vera...? Enji started to make his way towards the dorms. Hawks? No that idiot wouldn't think that far ahead since he's never been burned...who would... Enji stopped in his tracks and slowly glared up at the sky. Yagi. It made a stupid amount of sense, after all Enji did have a bad habit of burning Smilie when he sparred with him.

So now the part that made Enji want to scream: Going to Toshinori of all people and ask for Aloe Vera.

I am going to kill something at this rate.

Enji finished walking to the dorms, by the time he reached the doors his hand was throbbing and it was really starting to piss him off.

He pushed through the doors into the common area. Enji was relieved to see no one was in there, but as he made his way to the stairs another thought hit him and he groaned.

I don't know which room is his.

"This is bullshit..." Enji resisted the urge to punch the wall out of frustration.

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