1. Dance Studio

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'I dance because, there's no greater feeling than moving to a piece of music and letting the rest of the world disappear'


"Sky get your ass downstairs mum wants you," I was rudely interrupted by my little brother Brent banging on my door shouting as I was having a quick look through some of my modelling pictures my manager gave me yesterday.

"I'll be there in a sec, for gods sake stop banging on my door," I yelled back at him sighing as I put away the pictures in my folder placing it on my desk.

I grabbed my dance bag and my phone making my way downstairs and into the dining room. I dropped my bag on the floor taking a seat at the dining table. "Good morning," I cheerily greeted my parents picking up some toast and eating it to satisfy my hunger. My dad looked at me and gave me a nod smiling and looked back at his newspaper. "Morning sweetie," my mum kissed me on the cheek.

"Mum what do you want me for?" I asked standing up wiping my hands with a napkin.

"Skylar, I was wondering if you could come with me somewhere." I looked at my mum giving her my full attention to let her know I wanted her to carry on. "Well it's just a dinner with my friend I met when we went to Canada and she has a son." She added.

"What's that got to do with me?" I looked at her confused.

"Her son is, let's just say he needs help. He is kind of having a tough time at the moment so I was wondering if you want to come with me to have dinner with them and get to know him and you know help him a bit and seeing as your the same age as him?" My mum looked at me anxiously waiting for my reply.

"Um. I guess I'll come... I'll try to talk to him if that's what you want?" I told my mum who looked at me in relief.

"Thank you Skylar it means a lot to my friend."

"No worries give me the details on where and when it is when I come back. Gotta go I'm off to the studio mum," I gave her a hug and picked up my dance bag shouting a goodbye to my dad as I went to the hallway and put on my shoes.


'We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea

But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be'

I sang along as I walked down the street. Rather Be by Clean Bandit was playing on my iPod.

"Hey Skylar Anne I could do with some help here. Please could you help me carry the shopping bags inside?"

"Sure Mrs W" I looked at my neighbour Mrs Watson smiling as she handed me her car keys and took her twins inside.

I went to her car and took out the shopping bags, locking it and made my way to her house. I placed the bags on the floor in the hallway as Mrs Watson came out of the kitchen.

"Thank you love I don't know what I'll do without you. These kids are a pain." She joked as I laughed. "No worries Mrs W anytime, I gotta go I'll catch you later" I smiled at her as I made my way out the front door. "Bye Skylar Anne tell your mum I said hi." "Okay I will"

I walked down the street smiling at each passerby as I made my way to the dance studio. Here I was in the beautiful LA sunshine, singing to Rather Be with a big smile on my face. Nothing can disturb my good and peaceful mood a-


Oh boy.

Screams and shouts were heard as I arrived at the dance studio. I put my iPod away in my dance bag as my eyes widened taking in the chaotic scene in front of me. A bunch of girls were screaming waving their phones in the air while another bunch were on the floor crying their eyes out.

Taking a deep breath in I tried to make my way forward to the entrance but in return I got pushed right in the middle of the girls. I rolled my eyes clutching my bag tight and pushed my way forward saying 'excuse me' and 'sorry' till I finally reached the entrance to the studio. Feeling relieved at getting to the entrance at one piece, the feeling soon went away as a security guard stood blocking my way.

"Sorry miss you can't go in there," he merely glanced at me as he stopped a bunch of girls from sneaking in.

I sighed flashing my card and shoved past him and into the studio. I brushed myself of as I made my way to the changing rooms.

I put on some grey sweats and a tank top tying my hair up into a ponytail and made my way to a empty studio.

I looked around and found a stereo which I inserted a disk and pressed play. I went to the middle of the room and did some stretches and rolled my neck as swizz beats everyday (coolin) played.

I got in the routine and let the beat of the music take me, letting go of my thoughts and focused on the song.

I smiled as I did some moves looking at the mirror. The feeling of happiness and freedom ran through me as I enjoyed moving my body to the beat. I smiled as rest of the world vanished. This is where I belong. Just me and the music.

As the song came to a end I used all my energy and jumped into the air and shot my hand up and came back down and pressed my hand on the ground.

Panting I stood up and froze when I heard someone clapping. Slowly turning around with my heart pounding, I came face to face with the Justin Bieber who had a smirk on his face looking at me up and down.

Oh fuck.

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