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♦chapter 3♦

I locked myself in my cabin that night.

Then, I threw stuff. 

They went flying in all directions. With my speed, I ended up throwing everything in every single place—from my blanket, to my mattress, to my lamp, to my pictures—everything was crushing on the ground. Everything was in tiny pieces expect for two things—a picture of Nathan and Acacia and the last photo of me and my mother. By the end of it, my room liked it a tornado just wiped through it.

I didn't know how this was supposed to make me feel better, but it certainly felt better than doing nothing. Then, I started to viciously curse the Moon Goddess. She was probably laughing her ass while looking at me right now. She makes the mates, Nathan had told me. So why the fuck did she choose me with the enemy? I didn't even read Romeo and Juliet like Marilee, my home-school teacher told me as. Sure, I got yelled at, but I couldn't understand a word written.

Why him? Why Atlas? Why couldn't it be someone who wasn't a murderer, someone who didn't hate my pack and its people? But no. It was Atlas. And the biggest problem was, I don't think I handle this well enough. How well can I control my wolf, or my emotions, or myself?  The only thing worse than that was the fact my father decided to have a group that will kill him. As much as I hated him from the beginning of time, I didn't want him to die, knowing he was my mate. 

What if he deserves it? 

 I was going to destroy my cabin. I was going to rip everything—

"Lyra? Are you going to open this door or what? I am tired of screaming for you to get out!" It was Acacia. She had been yelling at that door for the past hour. 

I didn't answer, my voice couldn't muster words to speak. It could only await to scream and yell—anything but talk about what I was feeling or doing.

"Lyra! Get out of there before I turn insane! What the hell is going on?"

I threw a glass sculpture at the door. The noise echoed outside, hopefully for Acacia to realize I wasn't going to open the damn door, and I certainly wasn't going to talk.

"That's it! I'm getting Nathan! And you know the second Nathan comes, he will break this door if he has to!" She snapped, her anger radiating off through the door.

That's when my voice did speak. "No!" I yelled.

If Nathan found out, that was the exact moment I was going to lose my mind. Nathan would get to the bottom of whatever was going on, and much as much as I hated to admit it, Nathan was a good detective. If he was bought into this, Nathan would worry and then I would end up adding to his list of "things he needed to fix." I knew all of Nathan's responsibilities, and one of them was me. As much as I loved him, it was my responsibility to take care of myself and watch my decisions. I couldn't let him take part of my actions that were stupid or insane.

I finally opened the door. Acacia's green eyes looked pissed off but she instantly entered. As she did, I locked the door back.

"You haven't destroyed your room to this limit until the night your mom—" Acacia stopped herself. I didn't need her to bring any of that.

"Acacia, I just need to fix something on my own. Please—just--"

"Shut up. You're going to tell me what's up before i fucking kill you. And don't tell me it's no big deal, because from the destruction of this cabin—it's a big deal."

I trusted Acacia with my life, but I couldn't tell her this. I don't know why, but I couldn't. This was something—Atlas being my mate—something I had to figure out on my own. I dreamt my whole life what would happen if I ever met my mate. I didn't know what I imagined, but I knew it wasn't this. Atlas being my mate was something I wasn't sure I could handle. What was supposed to happen? Nothing should happen. I just had to live my life as I always did. Expect you know who your mate is but you can't be with him because he's the one your pack wants to burn alive. 

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