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♠Chapter 4♠

Time froze.

Nothing else could be said. The clocks on the watch stopped, the air held its breath, the moonlight showered its light only in one place, the owls stopped their hooting, and my heart stopped beating. All I could grasp at that moment was Atlas was in front of me. Standing right there, looking directly into my eyes, trying to regain from the silence that time struck on. It wasn't awkward at all; note the sarcasm.

Finally, he stepped forward.

I couldn't move. I pressed my hands on my bow and arrow, and before I knew it, they were pointed towards Atlas. He was still the enemy. He should know that.

"What are you doing here?" My voice demanded.

I heard no response. Atlas smirked slightly in the moonlight. It was infuriating. How could he wear that goddamn smirk at the time like this?

"My father is sending out men to kill you. Do you want to die?" I demanded, the frustration in my voice evident and sharp as a broken class. One part of me wanted to shoot that arrow through his heart, but I couldn't. No matter how hard I wanted to, I couldn't. I don't know how many times I will say this, but I didn't want him to die. I couldn't let him.

"So, you do care." He smirks, again. I was going to wipe that smirk off his face if he wore it one more time. And how the hell could he act so calm, while standing so close to my pack, the one that wanted to kill him? I can't stand here without feeling my knees buckle, my heart losing its chill, but my words, somehow sounding braver and demanding then I hoped for.

"You're going to die. Get out of here." I repeated.

Atlas rolled his eyes. "I had people from your pack chase me since I was a little boy. I'm pretty sure I can kill them anytime I want."

"Don't you even go there, because I will personally kill you myself. Now, answer my question—what are you doing here?" I demanded. A fierceness came through my voice, a ferocity that I wasn't sure was inside me. Yet, it existed, and now I knew.

"Isn't it obvious? I came to see you." He spoke, smiling a little. That smile though. It could bring people to their knees, make them weak and light up a city. It could do anything.

I didn't believe that. I wanted to believe that, but I knew it couldn't be true. If I hadn't had the guts to see my mate, because he was from the other pack, I knew Atlas wouldn't either. He hated my pack, and he certainly would have hated me. I knew what my Father did to his mother. I knew he killed her. There was no possible way Atlas wanted to be anywhere near me if he knew what my Father did. There has to be another reason why he was here.

"I know that's not the reason. Is this some kind of joke, Atlas—because if it is, I don't even care—I will fuck you up. And then you can go cry and whine—and will you goddamn tell me why you're here on your death wish? And if you're not gonna tell me, can you just leave? And if you are plotting anything right now, or deciding to have a midnight attack, I will personally murder you and that smirk on your face."

He looked startled, almost shocked by my little outburst. Then, he tilted his beautiful head. "Are you always this loud and talkative?"

My eyes flashed a death glare, and I purposely released an arrow from my fingertips heading in his direction. He moved to the side and the arrow missed him by a millimeter.

"—And violent?" He finished with his signature smirk. That goddamn smirk. Why did it exist? And why exactly did it make me want to get closer to him? This wasn't fair.

"Only when I have Atlas Kane, the werewolf my pack has been born to hate in front of me—" I answer instead.

"He's also your mate."  He broke me midsentence.

"Why are you here?" I demanded.

"Drop the weapons and I'll tell you," Atlas answered.

"No." I snapped immediately.

"Okay, then I just won't tell you and wait for the curiosity to comes creeping—"

"I won't drop the weapons. I'm not fucking Pandora with my curiosity. If you're not going to tell me, don't. I'll just bring the rest of my pack to hunt you down." I snapped.

"Because you don't have the guts to kill me myself."

I shot another arrow directly at his heart. He managed to escape it in seconds. "Really, what is it with you and your arrows?" He demanded, shaking his head. 

I turned in the other direction, shooting daggers at him. Surely, one of those daggers would scare him away. At the next second, Atlas used his speed to be inches in front of me. His beautiful face, the caramel colored eyes was just centimeters away from me. His lips, the ones that were a perfect color were just waiting for me to kiss. His collarbones, perfectly aligned waited my for head to rest on them. Then, I realized what I was thinking. I couldn't think anything like this. It was horrible, practically treason and selfish. But he was my mate and I wanted to hold him, to touch his face or to just lay in his arms. I couldn't control myself around him.

I headed in the other direction almost immediately, but Atlas gripped my arm. A voltage of butterflies flew up my skin, through my bones, muscles and a tingle of warmth and some sort of comfort went to my heart. It felt warm, it felt electrifying—it felt amazing.

"Lyra, wait." Say my name again. Say it over and over again. I thought.

"I did come to see you." The genuine look in his eyes, the sparkle in the moonlight made me think he really did come to see me. My heart believed it. My wolf believed it. But my brain refused to believe it. There was too much hatred between our packs, and just because I was his mate; hate doesn't change in a day.

"Why?" I asked, shaking my head. "You could have died."

"You're really stupid, aren't you?"

I didn't say anything, but I felt my eyes giving him a death glare that could probably kill.

"You're my mate. I wanted to see you. I wanted to know if you accept me as your mate—" He starts.

"I don't," my voice answers unexpectedly. Yes. You do. You do accept him.  My wolf screamed, but my answer was a no, and in Atlas' eyes, I knew he believed it. His face looked concentrated, and he eventually nodded. I wanted him to say something. Anything. But he didn't. There was no hurt in his eyes, not even a slight of disappointment. If anything, there was shock, a radiating shock that I wouldn't have seen if it wasn't for the moonlight.

He stepped away from me, and I felt myself lose something that was mine. I did. And it was my fault, it was my decision and it hurt more than it should. I didn't want to say no. But it's better to say no. With this no, I wouldn't fall into a hole of complcations, I wouldn't be leaving my pack, and in the process, I would also prevent a bigger war starting. If the Alphas discovered their children were mates, they would kill their mate. I knew and understood my father well enough. He would kill Atlas, and then me. And I knew Alpha Damien, Atlas' father would do the same. 

Sadly enough, a part of me wants to be with Atlas, hold his hand, close that distance between us, but in the next second he was gone.

It was so sudden, so fast. He was gone just as fast he had come here. 


Another update, and it as pretty fast. :) i don't think you guys would really like this chapter, but there's gotta be a plot and everything. 

also, this is UNEDITED. so please excuse the grammatical errors and everything. 

thank you. 

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