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ØChapter 22Ø

I waited for someone to come into my cabin and take me to the Alpha. I waited for someone to finally lose their mind and kill me.

And then nighttime came, I realized I had not moved from my bed and I noticed no one came. Acacia didn't tell anyone. She didn't. However, she didn't come to meet me either. I felt my heart craving for her forgiveness. Please. Acacia. Please understand. I didn't mean to fall in love with in. If I could, I would take it all back.

I hate him Acacia. Even in my head, those words sounded like a lie.

I waited two days and in these two days not a single person came. I realized I hadn't even ate anything in two days. The last thing I had was a glass of water beside me with a jug. No one noticed I realized. I was glad though. Hunger didn't come to me; Anger came instead.

On the third day, Acacia came with food. She didn't say anything. I didn't say anything. She placed the food on the table and left.

On the third day, I felt the same. I cried for hours each night. I cried for hours each morning. I screamed at myself in the remaining hours. And if there was an hour left, I would stare at the wall.

On the fourth day, Acacia bought food again and I forced it down. Hunger finally called for help and even my wolf seemed exhausted. I ate the sandwiches she bought for lunch and then, I was back on my bed, my eyes drifting to nowhere. This wouldn't have happened if you weren't so fucking stupid, Lyra. None of this would have happened if you realized to never listen to your heart.

"Listen to your heart." Some dumb piece of shit said. You're wrong.

Daisy and Marilee came a couple of times on the fourth day, but I informed them I wasn't feeling well and they left. Acacia had told them the same thing. It was the only thing that kept the suspicion off. I knew they had I had one of "moods" or whatever and I wanted to continue thinking that. Giving an explanation of what happened would have hurt more.

On the fifth day, I tried to remember every moment with Atlas. His kisses, his mark, our true mate marks, the car ride, me healing him, him protecting me-how could all of that be a lie? How could that happen? How could be a lie? How could... I remember the ice-cream on our first day. I remember the kisses he gave me before saying good night. I remember how protectively he'd wrap me when we fell asleep.

I hate you.

It was never real from the beginning. I tried to focus on Atlas' face. It couldn't all have been a lie-Could it? But even if it wasn't, Atlas had used me. He had toyed with my feelings and he had toyed with me. I was nothing to him. I was the dolls little kids play. I was a game. And all you had to do to win me was smile at me. All you had to win me was to kiss me.

Not anymore, Atlas. You will never play me again. I won't ever let you near me again.

And at night that I felt a throbbing in my chest. Expect I knew it wasn't just me. I knew how once you marked a wolf, the mates' were internally connected. They could feel each other's pain, their hearts-they were connected. The pain couldn't be transferred unless the bond was extremely strong, however, you would know when your mate was hurt.

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