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Chapter 13

Warm light.

Sunlight, I instantly realized. Meaning the sun and light. My eyes instantly opened. It was morning, I realized. But at the moment, all I could see was a dark blue shirt. Atlas' shirt. I realized my head was lying on Atlas' chest. One of his arm was tightly locked around my waist, the other hand holding my fingers. His smell alluded me to heaven. I wanted to lay there forever. Just feel his embrace. Feel the sparks, feel the electricity, and feel our connection.

I felt at peace. Like my soul was settled safely into my body.

Expect there was no much more than just us. We weren't just one boy and one girl. We were wolves, we were mates of two packs that wanted nothing more than each other dead. How long would this go? Until we get caught.

"Until we get caught." I whisper to myself. So maybe forever. Maybe. But that maybe won't happen unless I return back to my pack before someone realized I was missing.

I had to get back.

I looked at Atlas. He was fast asleep. I could hear his heartbeat, loud and clear. For the first time, he seemed at real peace. I felt myself smiling. His hair was a bigger mess than last night. The brown hair in every direction on a compass. I pressed my lips to the center of his forehead. 

"Atlas." I said.

I got no respond.

"Atlas." I repeated, shaking him a little. He didn't stir.

"Atlas!" I yelled, continuing to shake him.

Suddenly, I hear him groan. He took my hand and pulled me with him. It was at that moment when my entire body was pulled along with him I realized how strong he was. I was suddenly lying on top of him. His eyes were still closed and my face centimeters from his. A fraction of air stood between our noses from touching. Our lips just the same distance away.

"If I kiss you right now, will you wake up, sleeping beauty?" I asked, jokingly.

"Yes." He answered, his eyes still shut. "Only if it's on the lips, little wolf." 

Fine. I found myself smiling. I looked at him, his eyes closed. God, he was beautiful. Before I realized, I was leaning in. The very seconds our lips were about to touch, an annoying ringing disrupted the moment.

Atlas' eyes opened and he frowned. "Dammit." He muttered.

I pulled myself away and smirked. "Turned out sleeping beauty just needed a phone call to wake up." 

Atlas rolled his eyes at me. But he also got up and immediately picked up the phone.

As Atlas picked up, his face started to look more concern. The worry was shown everywhere—his eyes, his jawline, and his lips. And then, his face looked concentrated. Not in deep thought but in anger. I couldn't help but notice how his eyes got darker when he was worried. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his playful aura had disappeared.

"What the hell are you talking about Olivia?" He demanded. Quickly, he shut the phone in angry.

"Atlas, what happened?" I asked.

Atlas faced me in completely anger. For a few seconds, he was completely silent. He was glaring at me. I glared back, completely confused. But if he wanted to look at me in anger even though I didn't do anything, I could do the same.

"This was your plan wasn't it?" He demanded. I hadn't seen his so angry until now.

"What the hell are you talking about? What plan?" I demanded in the same angry voice. You couldn't talk to me like that. Especially without a proper reason.

"I can't fucking believe you. You're still pretending like you know nothing." Suddenly, he was grabbing my arms. He wasn't holding them tight but just close griping them enough I had my full attention on him. His brown eyes were full of anger.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" I snapped. What I learned today was that Atlas had a really short temper. You know else did? I did.

"Your pack is in my land going around killing everyone right now. You expect me to believe that you didn't know anything about that?" His face was centimeters away from me. And they were furious. 

My pack. Nathan. My father. My mind was suddenly clicking the dots. No wonder why I rarely saw Nathan these days. His war plans and everything. They were planning everything for today. And no one told me a single thing about it. Suddenly, I felt horrible. Atlas should be helping his pack.

"I swear—I didn't know anything about that—" I tried to explain.

"This was your distraction plan wasn't it? To make me fall asleep with you while your pack went around killing everyone?" He demanded. "You manipulative bitch."

I pushed him with all my force. How dare he accuse me? How dare he call me a bitch? The wolf inside me was angry. It was furious. I hoped he would fall down as I pushed him, but Atlas' anger was radiating off just as much. He only stepped back. 

"I didn't know anything about—" I tried to tell him.

"You really expect me to think you didn't have anything to do with this?" He yelled.

"Yes!" I yelled back.

"So you're a liar and a manipulative bitch." He hissed.

"So you're a short-tempered asshole who apparently thinks he's always right." I snapped back.

"I am right." He hissed.

"Really? You think I'm so hateful that I would go ahead and use someone like that?"

"And you think I'm so stupid that I would believe that you don't know anything?"

"You don't trust me." I hissed. "You don't trust me at all. What's the point of doing any of this if we don't trust each other?"

"You used me so I couldn't help fight my wolves against yours. So I'd be stuck here, while my wolves struggle. Of course I won't ever trust you again."

I laughed a humorless laugh. "You want to know what, Atlas? If your entire pack can't win a battle without you, I find that quite sad."

In that second, I grabbed my bow and arrows which laid aimlessly on the blanket Atlas had laid down. I wasn't going to deal with this. 

"You can go save your pack's ass, while I watch as mine win every battle without relying on a single person."

I leave him, hoping that feeling of sadness would disappear as I left my mate. He turns in the same anger in the other direction. I feel him turning in the other direction. The anger is still radiating off him. Fine. Don't believe me. 

I remember how much I wanted to kiss him. How much I wanted him near me. How strong our connection was. I remembered it all. Until we get caught. I had told myself. I wanted to laugh. 

It took two seconds. Two seconds for every feeling in my heart to break and transform into anger. Two seconds. One phone call that completely changed everything. And he thought there could be something between two wolves from two packs that wanted each other dead. It took two seconds for every joke to be lost, every sarcastic remark to be buried and every bit of joy I felt transform into anger. 

And I thought things could change. They will never change. 

This was stupid. I was fucking stupid. 


well. they had an argument. please tell me what you think~! also, i know this is a really small chapter. hopefully, the next one would be longer. 

also, what do you guys think of the new cover? do you like it?


thank you. 

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