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♣chapter 5

I made the right decision, my brain told me. I didn't even know Atlas for a full day. I didn't know anything about his real self. All I knew was that he was my mate. Just because he was my mate didn't mean I would give up everything I had for him. My wolf wanted to, though. She made that obvious, constantly yelling in my head.

I eventually made it to my cabin, safe and sound, without Ethan or the other night wolves catching me. I didn't want to make things more complicated if they had caught me. My day was already going horrible. By the time I got back to my cabin, I didn't even have the strength to throw stuff around. I was too concentrated in my thoughts.

My decision here could change everything. I couldn't be reckless Lyra with this. I had to thoughtful Lyra, be bravel Lyra and intelligent Lyra about a choice she didn't want to make.

He came to see you. In the dead of night near your pack, where he could have died. And you reject him? My wolf started to yell at me. I tried to explain to her it didn't make sense. I bet there was another reason. Why couldn't you just trust him? He's your mate. He's also from the Tumultuous Moonlight Pack. His pack killed my mother and so many of my people. Your pack did the same.

I cried out in frustration in all of it. There was no point of arguing. Eventually I closed my eyes and forced myself to get some sleep.

Expect I couldn't.


The morning sun was up and for sleep still hadn't found me.  I was too captivated in my thoughts to even realize I earned no sleep that night. Eventually, I forced myself out of bed, remembering I had class with Marilee. On "safe days" like these, Father believed education was an essential. Whatever. Once education was done, he would force us into hours of combat training. And then, we would learn to cure people if they got hurt in the battle. It was tiring, but that was life in my pack. 

I had to move from my wonderful place on my warm bed to the cabin that belonged to Marilee and her mate, Eva. In case you didn't know, in this world, there aren't just mates that are female and male. This world was bigger and love was stronger. The moon goddess knew love wasn't just the combination of a female and a male. It was of boys and boys, girls and girls, and boys and girls. You could not do anything to stop that because love was love. And no one should come in between love.

I knocked on the door, and Marilee opened, but she didn't give the wide smile she always did when I arrived early (which was once in my seventeen years of living). Something was up; I knew her damn to well.

Marilee was woman in middle twenties who was far too hip and active to be teaching a seventeen-years-old girl math. But she did. However, she was caring and sweet, like a older sister. The second I stepped in, she locked her cabin door.  That was strange, Marilee liked the outside view and everything.

For a few seconds, she didn't say anything, and I was worried if everything was alright. It was at moment, Marilee asked me a question that changed everything.

"Before we start anything, Lyra—you want to tell me what you were doing climbing up the trees and out of the woods?" Marilee asked.

I froze. Marilee saw me. If she saw me, did she follow me? Shit. I wasn't sure what to say or what to do. My thoughts try to arrange a story that was believable, especially if there was the chance Marilee followed me. That was strange, I didn't catch her scent. But then I remembered, Marilee was the one that held thousands of those perfumes that masked the scent of a werewolf.

"What—what are you talking about?" I stammered unconsciously. That was what my mind decided on to play dumb. However, I felt myself in a phase of consternation.

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