23. El's Last Breakdown

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^El as a baby for those WTEWYHE fans^

Fuck, this hurts...it hurts a lot.

I groan in darkness as I slowly open my eyes, sealing them shut when the bright light burns my eye sockets.

"Eli? Guys, he's coming back, Eli? Eli?" 

Multiple voices I recognized were bouncing around my ears but they sounded weird. As if I was floating underwater or something.

I attempt to open my eyes again, blinking to adjust to the pain-inducing light they had over me.

"Eli? Baby say something," 

My Appa was the first person I saw. With his big brown teary eyes and worried frown, he cupped my cheeks and forced me to look at him. 


I mumble out in a hoarse whisper. My throat felt dry for some reason and I started to cough.

"Oh Eli you're back," 

Appa lets out a sigh of relief and lets go of me, my dry cough intensified the pain until he handed me a cup of cold water which I drank in only a few gulps. When he takes the cup from me, I was able to turn my head, my heart dropping out of my ass when I noticed the horrifying sight before me. 

Milo laid in a hospital bed just a few feet away from mine. His chest just barely rising and falling with his heart rate was monitored through all the equipment attached to him. A long string of IV's connected to his arm and he looked so pale that I almost thought he was dead.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!" I scream in horror and Appa grabs hold of my hand.

"Hey, calm down. He'll be okay sweetheart and so will you," He says and I turn back to him just in time to catch him wiping the tears from his cheeks. I would have cried too if I wasn't in so much pain.

I look to the other side and catch dad and Matty standing by my side, each with a concerned look on their face.

"What happened?" I ask again and Appa gently runs his fingers through my hair. 

"We almost lost you, Eli. You fainted at the concert and Milo rushed you to the hospital. They did what they could to save you but your kidneys suddenly shut down and you were lying on your death bed. We were all tested, Thomas, his family, even Clara but it came back as negative..."

 He pauses as he cups his mouth in his hand and starts to get emotional. My dad wraps his strong arm around my Appa's shoulders and takes over the story.

"But Milo came back as a perfect match, so he went under and donated his kidney to you. Your surgery went smoothly and you were back here in two hours but his surgery had a few complications so he was under for eight hours. That boy nearly lost his life just to save you,"

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