Chapter 19

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Another month had passed. Prom wasn't too far away. The other morning, Lance had been asked by the interact club to help plan the school dance. Lance supposedly said yes however he sucked ass at planning things. It was now Thursday morning and lance was outside pidges locker waiting for the Pidgeon to arrive. Lance knew he fucked up when accepting to help, so if he was going to fulfil his promise then he'd need Pidge. Pidge was minding her own business when she noticed the clown at her locker. She stopped walking and starred at him. Lance waved and she pretended not to see him. She sighef and walked to her locker. "Heyyyyy pidgeee," lance swayed. "Im not doing your homework for you." Pidge rrsponded short snd sharply. Lance took thr fact that pidge thought that to offense but carried on talking anyway. "No, but you could help me plan the dance," lance smiled persuasively. "You're planning the dance?" Pidge said eyeing lance up while adjusting her glasses. "Well yes, but you know how terrible I am at organising things so I was hoping you'd help me?" There was silence. "Fine." "Yesss! Alright! Razzle dazzle!" Lance cheered throwing his arms all over the place. "Just, stop." Pidge said grabbing her textbooks and making her way to geography. "We're all meeting at lunch in the library!!" Lance yelled to pidge as she faded into the distance.

Lance had succeeded at gaining Pidge on the team, but now he's going to be putting a lot of time and effort into the dance, he won't have time for Keith, how would Keith feel about that? Keith knew lance had been offered but he didn't know that lance agreed in doing so. Either way, lance wasn't going to focus on that, he had to focus on cooking class. Hunk went off with shay so lance had to find a new partner. He scammed the room looking for his boyfriend who was no where to be seen. Great. No hunk, no Pidge, no Keith. Who was lance supposed to work with? Lance was so in his own head he didn't notice the small girl standing in front of him. "Hey! I'm Nora, I'm a transfer student, I haven't got anyone to work with and it looks like you don't either, want to be partners?" Lance nodded and looked down at his new partner. Nora was short but slim. Her pale skin and rosey cheeks, her long knotted dark brown hair. She was the definition of beauty. "I'm lance by the way." Lance said washing his hands. "Nice to meet you then lance!" Nora giggled. "Can you actually cook?" Lance asked. "I can bake, that's good enough," they both laughed and the hour passed.

"Thanks for working with me today," Nora giggled clinging onto his arm. "No problem," Lance smiled as they started walking towards lances locker. "So you wanna grab a coffee or something later?" Nora asked placing her finger on her lip nervously. "Uhhh, I would but I have to meet my friend Pidge and then see my boyfriend," lance trailed off. Nora was silent until he finished speaking. "Boyfriend?" She asked confused. "Oh yeah I didn't say did I, I'm bisexual and I have a boyfriend named Keith, Keith Kogane." As if the timing wasn't perfect Keith appeared from around the corner. "Keith!" Nora said enthusiastically. "Nora!" Keith said almost at the exact same time. "You two know each over?" Lance asked. He was so confused. How the hell would Keith know someone lance didn't until now. "Well Nora is like family, we went to the same orphanage as kids." Keith smiled and hugged his old friend. "Well I did not see this coming!" She said bringing lance into the hug, "you two are perfect for each over if your still the Keith I know and by the looks of things you are!" Nora was very bubbly. Always cheery always laughing. "Well sorry to cut this reunion short but I've got to go to history," Keith said kissing his boyfriend and walking ahead. Nora simply waved. "What class do you have now?" Nora asked. "Gym," "nice! Same, let's go," and so Nora and lance headed to their next lesson as well.

It was now 4pm. Everyone involved with the school dance planning had gone home after the second meeting of the day. It was just Pidge and lance left now in the library. "This is soooooo much workkkkkk," Lance moaned throwing a paper airplane at Pidge. Pidge simply grabbed the plane and crushed it. "Awh man now my planes dead," lance slouched all over the table. "If we're going to do this, we've got to do it right, so we're going for a classic prom, no theme, just a party and the colour theme is black, red and white, correct?" Lance just moaned uh hu. Lance was already stressed about it. "Let's go, we're carry on tomorrow," lance said collecting all the binders. "Alright but you need to contribute more than your yawns!" Pidge laughed.

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