Chapter 17

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Group chat:💛💙❤️💚
Blueboi💙™️:Hey anyone up for a movie night at my house only me and my older sister Cleo will be in and she won't care plus we haven't had a movie night with all of us in a while.
Angrybird❤️™️: sure I've got nothing better to do xx
Blueboi💙™️: ;) x
Pigeon💚™️: get a room you two and I'm down what time should we be there?
SupportiveMother💛™️:I'm free all day but yeah what time?
Blueboi💙™️:idk come around 7 I don't really care when my parents and little siblings are about to leave now so any time is fine really
Pigeon💚™️:k I'll be there soon then I guess
Angrybird❤️™️:yeah I'll leave after I've grabed everything I need
SupportiveMother💛™️: see you guys soon :)
Blueboi💙™️: see ya

About 20 minutes later, Pidge and hunk were both on their way and Keith was at the door. Keith was carrying two bags, one full of his stuff, the other: snacks. He also was carrying his pillow which made it hard to ring the doorbell. Keith sighed to himself and just lightly kicked the door, hard enough for lance to hear it. "Hey babe, lemme lend you a hand," Lance smiled opening the door and taking Keith's pillow. Keith slid off his shoes by the door and threw himself and the bags onto the sofa. Lance just put down the pillow and then laid on top of Keith so that they were face to face. Keith heavily blushed and poured, trying not to make eye contact with lance. Lance smirked and started pecking Keith's cheek and neck. Keith wrapped his arms around Lances feminine hips and started to kiss lance back. The boys fought for dominance in their make out session but were interrupted by the doorbell. Lance looked up and saw Pidge and hunk outside the window smirking at the two of them. Lance sighed and got up to the let the gang inside. "Sup bitches, what are we watching?" Pidge crashed onto the arm chair. Hunk took the time to arrange all the bags at the side of the sofa. Lance had already set up a floor camp which hunk placed himself onto. "I don't know, what do you guys wanna watch?" Lance asked. Keith shrugged his shoulders as did Pidge. "What about a horror movie? We haven't watched one of those in a while after what happened last time," hunk said eyeing lance. "Hey it's not my fault they didn't warn me about the whole suicide n shit." "What about orphan? That's supposed to be good?" Pidge suggested. Everyone nodded their heads in unison.

An hour later, it was dark, the only source of light was the tv. Keith and Lance were snuggled up in the sofa with the Doritos while hunk and pidge were laid out on the floor base with all the other snacks. Keith head was buried in lances shoulder. Lance loved Keith's company. He loved having all his friends together like this, what he did not love however was the creepy young orphan in the movie. Her sick stunts petrified him. Lance want sure if what he has with Keith is gonna last forever but he sure hopes it will. He couldn't imagine a future without Keith. Lance wanted to go to college with him and then get a house and who knows maybe even have kids one day. He wanted them to be happy, however Keith was afraid to love, he was afraid of losing lance and as much as he looked into the future he could never leave the past behind. All the pain and betrayal he felt, he was happy that he had finally found his angel.
The movie continued to play to itself as Pidge had fallen asleep on hunks leg. Hunk was focusing on trying to move the gremlin without disturbing her.
Keith and lance were in the kitchen getting water. However getting water turned into a make out session. Hunk just watched from the floor and gave up moving Pidge, he grabbed a pillow and continued to watch the movie.

The night went on as normal. Nothing special. Nothing unusual. Just 4 teenagers having a sleepover in a living room. That was until the doorbell continued to ring around 2am. Cleo had ordered a pizza but forgot about it and fell asleep. Lance groaned as he awoke, slipped on his slippers and opened the door. It was Matt doing his night shift at Pizza Hut. "Delivery for Cleo McClain?" He spoke and noticed it was lance. "Aw Hey man how's it going?" Lance just yawned and yelled for Cleo. "Cleo? ... Cleo?? ... CLEOOO??" No response. "The pizza's payed for right?" Lance asked. "You know it," Matt replied. "Free pizza for me then," lance grabbed change from the side and handed it over to Matt as a tip and took the pizza inside.
Lance's evening was perfect. Movie night with friends + super cute emo boyfriend, and now free pizza? Lance couldn't help but crack a real smile for once.

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