Chapter 4

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Authors pov

It was the day before halloween. Pidge and Keith had been informed by Matt and Shiro that Allura was hosting a Halloween party the next night and were given permission to go, as well as lance and hunk. There was only one minor problem. Costumes. So Lance suggested they went costume shopping. Keith cringed at the idea of costumes.

So the 4 guys set out to find costumes. Not knowing what the hell they were looking for. They wanted something iconic. "I'm slightly concerned that we've been looking for an hour and a half but still haven't found anything!" Pidge sighed in devistation. "Just keep looking!" Lance groaned. All of them were searching shelf after shelf until they were on the last one in the whole store. Then, at the very last moment, the iconic outfits were right in front of them. Keith cringed. Hunk cringed. Lance and pidge however grabbed the costumes right off the shelf. Teletubbies. Lance was Tinky-winky, Pidge was dipsy, Hunk was LaLa and Keith was poe."why am I the small red one?" Keith asked. "Because you are the small red one," Lance smirked."fuck you" Keith just laughed. "Then it's settled, we're going to be the memes of the party!" Pidge emphasised. "Alright! Razzle-Dazzle!" Lance agreeded. Keith cringed again. Hunk had no say in this of course.

Halloween evening

The boys were getting ready at Keith and Shiro's place. "Okay children," Shiro began to speak, "remember, at the party, limit your self on the beers, don't get high, and don't fuck anyone, I don't want any grandchildren." The boys laughed in unison. "We're not even your children? I'm your brother," Keith mentioned. "Still? All those rules still apply!" "Alright 'dad' ," Lance laughed. "You need a ride?" Matt pulled up in his limo. "OMG WHERE DID YOU GET THAT MATT!!!" Pidge yelled. "That's not important, get in, I have candy." After hearing that, Hunk walked back inside, "I'll walk then." They all laughed, getting inside the presumably stolen limo. Hunk enjoyed the candy.

About 10 minutes they arrived at Alluras house. She comes from a very rich family and owned a big house, including 2 pools and a hot tub. "Woah look at this place!" Keith examined it while the sound of loud music and people laughing and talking rushed into his head. Keith was anti-social and hated parties, so he'd probably end up getting hammered and sitting alone in the corner. As the squad walked in they noticed all the other Halloween costumes, some were basic, some were fucking weird and others kinky. Pidge ran over to alcohol, "AWW YEAH IM GONNA GET DRUNK!" "PIDGE NO! If you come home hammered guess who's getting the blame," Matt said shaking his head. Lance noticed a game of spin the bottle taking place, where allura, Loxia, Nyma and other girls Lance wanted to try kissing so of course he joined in with that. Matt and Shiro left Keith and Hunk behind. They had no idea what to do, either being innocent or being too socially awkward to do anything. "I'm just going to go outside and give Shay a call," hunk said leaving the house. "Uh..h..okay," Keith studdered. The last few weeks had been a blast for Keith. He enjoyed spending time with the guys. He'd really got to know all of them and considered them as his best friends. Maybe he'd come out to them soon, maybe, but maybe he should come out to Shiro first. He looked over at the sound of Lance laughing, the bottle was facing Nyma and Keith assumed lance had just kissed her. Keith stood there, looking at everyone enjoying themselves. The costumes were really hot, consequently Keith went to the bathroom to rip it off, revealing a black T-shirt and black ripped jeans. Keith turned the tap on and rinsed his face with cold water. He looked up at the mirror and then realised on the door. "Anyone in there otherwise I'm coming in." Keith recognisedu the voice, it was Lance. "Two seconds," Keith called out while drying his face and hands. Keith opened the door to see and impatient lance rushing in, "thanks buddy, this costume is real hot." Keith just smiled walking out. He sat in the corner of the room having a beer. Eventually, Hunk and Pidge made their way over to Keith. He sat in the corner in the room having a beer. "Sup bitches," Pidge hiccuped. "Pidge are you drunk?" Keith asked. "Of course he is," hunk laughed, "that's what happens with Pidge at parties." Lance walked out the bathroom to sit with the group. "Sup ma dudes," "and he's also drunk I'm guessing," Keith shook his head. "Pidge how many drinks have you had?" Hunk asked concerned for his friend. "Ummmm , 4?" Pidge honestly didn't know, "I feel fine though, look on the group chat"

Group name:💛💙💚❤️
Pigeon💚™️: guys I have a secret
Blueboi💙™️: Oooooooo
Supportivemother💛™️: o.0
Pigeon💚™️:you can't tell anyone , that's why I'm texting ;)
Blueboi💙™️: spill it you pigeon
Pigeon💚™️: I'm a girl bitches
Angrybird❤️™️:seriously? I'd never of figured
Supportivemother💛™️: 0.o
Pigeon 💚™️: yep and this binder is killing me right now

All of them looked up at each over smiling. "Well I'm glad you came out to us," Keith said smiling. "Yeah! Also sorry to call it quits but shays invited me round for a movie, besides I'm not doing much here anyway bye guys," hunk smiled getting up and walking outside. "Let's go get more drinks!" Pidge energetically bursted out laughing, running off flapping her arms as if she was a bird. Keith and lance laughed, "hey Keith, follow me," Lance said smiling pulling Keith up off the ground, and Keith followed as told. The two boys exited a door by the kitchen into a huge garden. Lance dragged Keith over to one of the pools. "Why'd you bring me here?" Keith questioned, "Lance answer me-". Keith couldn't finish his sentence due to fact that lance had ripped his shirt off and smirked at him. "Lance do-", obviously Keith was going to say don't you dare, but it was too late because lance had pushed Keith into the pool, water splashing and crashing in the air. More water followed as lance jumped onto Keith in the pool. "I'm going to murder you McClain." Lance just laughed swimming around. "Oooo you addressed me by McClain, we'll see about that kogane."

Lance pov

I have no idea why I just did that. This pool is fucking freezing. I watched as Keith pulled off his shirt since it was soaked. No one else was out here. I looked up at the sky and just took a moment to admire the stars and moon. I felt the water move as Keith also laid on his back. The party is so loud and I swear I can hear Pidge shouting I'm a sexy pigeon. I laughed at that.

Authors pov

So the two boys just floated their. Staring at the sky. The water had warmed up and Keith turned and smiled at Lance. But before you knew it, Keith couldn't take the awkwardness anymore and splashed lance with water. "Dude, we were having a moment!" Lance chuckled. Keith noticed the blush that had appeared on Keith's face. Keith took a moment to admire lances beauty. His tanned skin, his freckled back, his blue eyes, his smile, his hair, his chest, his hips. He just took a moment to examine everything that made Lance, well Lance. Keith's pale face had faded into a red as he blushed a little. "Keith, you're blushing!" Lance pointed out laughing. "Well so are you!" Keith established. They both laughed. "Keith, buddy, I've known you for a few weeks now," Lance went on. "And?" Keith questioned. "I don't know everything about you, but I know you're defiantly not straight." Keith froze. How the hell did lance know? Keith started to panic. "What? Nonsense," Keith lied. "Don't lie to me, kogane." Keith took a deep breath, "so what if I'm not, and truth is, yes, I'm anything but straight. I'm gay." Lance smiled. "I knew it!"

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