The Wedding

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Austin's P.O.V.

I woke up to Louis and the 1D boys jumping on my bed, attempting to wake me. I groan and roll over. 'Come on, Austin, get up!' Louis groans tugging at me. 'Austin, you're getting married to a beautiful girl today!' Harry reminded me. I smiled as wide as could be, facing the boys. 'Today Felicity Louise Leeroy becomes, Felicity Louise Mahone!' Liam states. I grin wider, if that's possible. 'So shower up mate!' Niall says. I jump out of my bed, practically running to the shower. I spend about 20 minutes in the shower before jumping out and throwing a towel around my waist. I rush back to the boys, holding the towel up. 'Sweet, now put on some boxers so you can put your suit on!' Louis states. I grab a pair before jumping into the bathroom and sliding them on. I walk back out grabbing my suit. 'Zayn, you're awfully quiet mate!' I say, catching the boy in the back of the rooms attention. He shrugs. 'Sorry mate, just deep in thought!' He says. 'Ignore him, Austin!' Louis says. I slip my black dress pants on then my white shirt,buttoning it up. I tuck my shirt into my dress pants before doing up the button and zipper. I slip on a pair of white socks and my dress shoes. I tie the laces before slipping my jacket on. 'Where's my bow tie?' I ask. Louis looks around not seeing it. Harry laughs before says 'Zayn has it!' I look to Zayn who's attempting to choke Niall with it. Liam grabs it from him, allowing the Irish one to breath. Liam helps me put it on. I take a look it the mirror. I look good, except the wet hair. I grab a towel and dry off my hair. The boys' stylist Lou comes in and styles and gels my hair for me. She finishes off with hairspray to keep it in. 'Wait aren't you supposed to do Fliss' hair too?' I ask. 'Yeah I'm going there now!' Lou says, taking off. 'Well mate, let's get some breakfast and don't you dare spill.' Louis says. Zayn gives me tips on being married while him and the others put their suits on.Soon enough it's time to go to the church. Here we go!

Fliss' P.O.V.

I wake up to my girls, smiling at me. 'Morning girl, you're getting married today!' Pez says, causing me to smile. I jump up and go for a shower. As soon as I'm out, I throw on my robe. I skip into my girls. 'Sit down girl and we'll do your makeup.' Danielle says. 'Give me a sec so I can get my white lace!' I say, referring to the under garments I bought for today. I quickly throw them on and put my robe back on top. I sit down at my desk, the girls getting to work. We're staying at Taylor's house and Austin is at Louis's house. Taylor is down stairs making me a light breakfast. Danielle does my eyes and Perrie does my cheeks while Ellie does my lips. Dani does my eyes a champagne colour with black eye liner and some mascara too. Perrie does my cheeks a light shade of pink. And Ellie does a nice shade of pink. Taylor brings me a bowl of weetabix. I eat it up before brushing my teeth and touching up my lips. After I've brushed my teeth and touched up my lip stick and lip gloss, Ellie puts on a light lip liner. Next Lou walks in the door to do my hair. Lou is Louis and the boys' hair stylist. She puts my hair up in a bun with a few loose ringlets. She sprays my hair with hairspray to hold it in place. 'Finally, THE DRESS!' Taylor says with a squeal. ' And then my veil?' I ask. 'Yes, your tiara and veil, you princess!' Taylor says. 'Hey, she's getting married she's entitled to be a princess!' Perrie says. I slip on my dress and white heels to match. Danielle slides the veil clip into my hair just above my bun. Ellie gets a text. 'The boys are just heading to the church!' She says. I smile but then it instantly wipes from my face as a feel of nausea takes over me. ' Fliss?' Perrie asks, concern in her voice. 'I feel as if I might puke!' I say. 'It's just nerves.' Taylor says, trying to calm me. 'Is it hot in here?' I ask, feeling my palms sweat. 'Calm down Fliss!' I start pacing the floor, almost as if I'm taking a panic attack. 'Fliss, Fliss, calm down!' Dani says. I keep pacing. Ellie quickly phones someone. 'Louis, speak to your sister, she's taking a panic attack for some reason.' Ellie says, putting him on speaker. Louis tries calming me down but it doesn't help much. I hear my mom's voice on the other end. 'Mom?' I ask. 'Hey darling, I'm here!' I hear my mom Jo say. My mom manages to calm me down for the most part. I hear my step dad Dan, talking. 'Dan?' I ask. 'Hey Fliss, I'm here!' I hear him say. Between the two of them,they calm me down. 'Mom?' I ask, curious of something. 'Yeah?' She asks. 'Has my dad turned up?' I ask. I hear her sigh. 'No, I'm afraid he hasn't, sweetheart.' She says. I sigh, knowing he wouldn't come but still feel rather down. 'Dan?' I ask. 'Yeah darling?' He asks. 'Will you give me away?' I ask. 'Of course!' He says. I sigh a breath of relief. Dani puts the veil on and we head to the church. Dani holds my bouquet. We go inside the church, waiting in the hall, fixing me up. Dani hands me my bouquet. I smile. Today I marry the man of my dreams. Dan appears beside me, smiling. 'You ready?' He asks. 'More ready than I'll ever be!' I say. Dan grins as I link my arm around his and the door opens into the church hall where all my family and friends are, well all except one, my father. I look up the aisle to my beautiful fiancée smiling like I don't know what!

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