Fliss' brother

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Austin's P.O.V

I'm so happy that Fliss is moving to Miami to be with me.I love her to the moon and back. She says she loves me too.God I just love her so much and can't wait to see her. I don't know how things will work with my schedule but what I do know is that I wanna be with Fliss forever and never let her go.Ever! I wanna see her walk up the aisle in a wedding dress and long veil.I wanna say 'I do' and hear her say 'I do' and slide the ring on her finger and have her slide the ring on my finger.I wanna have kids with her.But I don't wanna have kids right away obviously as we're too young and need to enjoy life for awhile then we can settle down for kids. I'm interrupted by my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID. Fliss. "Fliss,hey!'I say. I hear her laugh. 'Hey Austin.'She says. 'How are you?'I say. 'Am good you?'She says. 'Good but I'm missing you.'I say.She pauses.'Yeah I miss you too.'Well that was strange. I hear her laugh and I hear someone else laugh too. 'You got company?'I ask. She hesitates again. 'Umm no...' She says. She's lying.I know when she's lying. 'No you do!'I say. 'I don't!' She says. 'Felicity,I heard them laugh and I know when your lying.' There's a long silence and I can hear whispers. 'Tell him!'Someone whispers.Its a guy. 'No I can't!'Fliss whispers. 'Fliss,just forget it!'I say and hang up. I can't believe it.She's got a guy with her, probably her boyfriend.Part of me feels hurt cos she said she loved me but she tried hiding it from me so she cares about me and the guy could be perfectly innocent.Right?

Fliss' P.O.V

I feel bad I should've told Austin about my brother.You see he's Taylor twin brother but when I was a baby he went to live with my aunt in California when he was about 7. And he's 24 now. He moved there because he was bullied at school cos people called him gay but he wasn't. The other day,he phoned up mom and said he wanted to meet me.She told him I'd moved to London with Taylor.He came down to London and visited Taylor and now he's staying at my place. I'm glad he'll be here for my birthday.I wish Austin could be here too but he can't,I don't think he even remembered. 'Fliss you should've told him about me!'Louis says,acting serious.I've barely known him a day and I already know he's a jokester and prankster and he pulls the best faces.'I know but I don't want him to know yet, cos he'll wanna meet you and I won't get time alone with you.'I say. He smiles and hugs me tight.

Austin's P.O.V

I should've let her explain who he was first before hanging up on her.I'll phone her back.I go into contacts.Call Fliss. It begins ringing.

Fliss' P.O.V

I laugh at Louis' face. 'Oh boy you pull the funniest faces.'I say. 'Wanna go get ice cream?'He asks. 'Sure.'I jump up and throw shoes on then jump on Louis' back and he runs down the stairs with me on his back.I cling on for dear life,terrified he'll drop me. We make it out the door and he begins carrying me down the stairs. 'Louis stop there's like 5 flights of stairs down. 'I can do it!'He says. 'You'll hurt yourself.'I say. 'I don't care!I wasn't able to do this when you're little so I'm making up for it now!'He shouts. 'You don't have too!'I shout. 'But I want too.'He whispers. I kiss his head and hold on tighter. We reach the bottom and I jump off his back. 'Oh damn I left my phone in my room.'I say. 'Forget it you're with me you'll be fine.' I smile and we head to the ice cream store.

Austin's P.O.V.

It keeps ringing then I get the answer machine.'Oh great she's ignoring me cos I hung up on her.Either that or she's too busy making out with that guy.'I hang up. Wait! It's her birthday tomorrow isn't it? Damn I gotta run to the mall.I get up, grab my skateboard, hat and shades and head for the mall. Thankfully no one has noticed me! I run into the jewelry store. I look around. Nothing beautiful enough for Fliss. Then I spot a promise ring that says 'Forever Always' That's perfect! She'll love it! I buy the ring and put it in a little box. I know a few people in London and I can get Taylor and Sam to help me to throw her a party.I quickly text everyone in London that I know to gather some stuff for the party. Taylor texts back 'We'll do it at my place when you get here .'I board home. All the people I texted said they'd help. I dash to my room and throw some clothes in a bag.I look at the picture beside my bed.Its the first day me and Fliss met.I smile. And grab my bag.I call a taxi to take me to the airport for my 8 hour flight to see the one I love.

Fliss P.O.V.

Me and Louis bought ice cream and practically ran home screaming cos we were so hyper. Suddenly,Louis gets a text. He reads it and his eyes widen and a grin appears on his face. 'I gotta go!'He screams taking off in the opposite direction. I walk home. I sit on my bed and see I have a voicemail. From Austin. I play it.'Oh great she's ignoring me cos I hung up on her. Either that or she's too busy making out with that guy.'He says as hangs up. He thinks that Louis' my boyfriend? Crap I should fix that.I dial Austin's number but my phone dies.Great!

I plug it in and leave it.I eat ice cream for awhile till I feel full. Its 6.00pm now. Well no dinner for me.I watch tv for about 3 hours then fall asleep. I wake up the next morning. I get up and look for Louis. 'Louis?'I ask, peeking into the guest room.There he is sitting on his bed laughing at texts. 'Lou?'I ask. 'FLISS LET'S GO OUT FOR BREAKFAST FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!'Louis screams. 'OH Happy Birthday!'He says and kisses my cheek. I go get dressed. I wear a knee length red dress and heels to match.

Austin Mahone My Best Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن